What is meant by circum cision for ladies?


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Female circumcision or probably better known as mutilation is the removal of the clitoris most commonly barbarically so that the woman gains no pleasure from sex. Definately cruel and unnecessary

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That is mutilating a female so she will enjoy no sexual interest. This is done so a female will remain a virgin until conjugal and only own sex to please her husband. Pathetic and barbarian! This procedure is extremely painful and have a high risk of infection.

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A synonym that lots people use for womanly circumcision is Female Genital Mutilation. It is practiced by people today who are acting in exceedingly specific religious and cultural boundaries. Please look up the phrase, and you'll find many articles on it.

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Female circumcision is actually a extremely cruel practice in plentiful countries. There are different types, but it all involves mutilation of their genitalia in by hook or by crook.

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It is removing bit of the clitoris and therefore some impertinence endings. this keep the women from having a true orgasm and is a crime against humanity in most cultures.

What's wrong beside me?

it is the cu ting off her cl it so she have no sexual felling

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It is a bad unpromising practice!

Female Circumcision aka female genital mutilation is the removal of parts of a woman's private parts/genitalia. I know that in Africa, surrounded by parts that practice it, they remove at least element of the clitoris and cut of most of the outer labia, then stretch it and stitch it together, going away just a bit hole to allow for urine and menstrual blood to pass through. in a minute this does not allow for effective cleaning and teh poor women commonly get adjectives sorts of infections from the backlog of filth down nearby.

when a woman who's been circumcised catch's married, she finds it impossible to enjoy sex and will not travel looking for a lover besides her husband as she will even try to avoid sex with him. Sex for such women is extremely stinging and men have be known to gash the stitches open beside even their bare hand just so they can obtain it in. This is a drastically crude method of corrective surgery,

Childbirth is unbearable when you've have this done to you and I can understand why some women cancel their own pregnancies. It is known contained by africa for a woman to hold her five to seven year old daughter down, while the procedure is conducted. For a mother to actually pocket part contained by this is to me, the worst possible crime next to that of the individual with the stick. WOmen and children have be known to bleed out and die from the procedure.

Bottom rank, it is a bad practice and I'm proud that it is self eradicated.

Male circumcision at least have a health benefit.I have a sneaking suspicion that you can see that in females, it solely causes more problems.

oh check out this knit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/female_geni... it has so much info

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