I want to get on the pill but my mom disagrees,help!?

I believe it is in my best interest to draw from on the pill,but my mom doesnt think it is a obedient idea.she doesnt know im have sex yet but i told her i surface ready to purely so i wouldnt get within trouble about already doing it.so what do i do?sneak and receive them or what?i dont want to be disobedient but i need to protect myself

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The good entry is your want to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy, but the bad piece is your having sex at whay age? Keep within mind that your body is still developing within the feminine area and you plainly need to preserve that protected. Please educate yourself on cervical cancer and consequently maybe you won't be so liable to have sex. Get condoms instead of pills. I've have a few friends of mine become pregnant on the pill. I know you are unable to speak next to your mom on this particular subject, but find yourself a responsible womanly adult to facilitate get the support you need. When I be young I spoke near my aunt. There are also vaginal depositories you can use right along with condoms. The pill can be condition altering, so be careful. Please don't leftovers your youth on adult matter by having sex. It is truly overrated. If I have to do it all again, I wouldn't own done it at the age of 17. Be smart and leave it alone. I become a single mother at 24. It's not worth heartache nor messing up your health. Plus I am 35 and I do appropriate care of myself and two kids. Love yourself and hand down it alone.

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you don't speak how old you are!
I be on the pill at a young age and really regret it as i very soon know i was too young at heart to be doing stuff. but it would be worse to end up next to an unwanted pregnancy.

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Well first how old are you? And if you are weak enough to own sex then you are dated enough to speak about mom the truth.It's always best.If she know you were already havin sex afterwards she may not be so reluctant to put you on the pill,because i am sure that she wants you to be secure from everything.

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you can go to the doc and ask to be put on the pill.its what they give the name doctor and patient confidentiality.they also do a push which you have every 3 or 4 months if you dont want to walk on the pill.

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You could go to Planned Parenthood. Or, If you explain to her sensibly that you are already having sex and you get that you need to protect yourself.I don`t know she will take you.

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Depending on how prehistoric you are, as well as where on earth you live, you can get a prescription for birth control pills lacking your mother's permission. Simply find the nearest planned motherliness clinic or some similar institution.
However, in the interest of family relations possibly you should try to talk to your mom again and stress that you want to be on the pill so that when you want to have sex you will be protected from pregnancy.
In the have it in mind time be extra careful if you choose to own sex. Use a condom with spermicide every single time!
Don't agree to this issue drag on for awhile. time is of the essence here.

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your mom just wishes time to let this sink in. It is in your best interest to be on the pill and she will realize that. Just sit tight. Please remember to ALWAYS use a rubber even if on the pill, to be double protected AND so you don't find STDs. Good luck to you!

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You are thinking responsibly!!. Does she want a dignified baby in a minute? Probably not yet! You are almost an fully fledged. Everyone's parents want their kids to wait longer. The best point is to go on the pill, enjoy the guy use protection as well.
There are several clinics who offer birth control pills free. Good Luck.

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Just talk to her give or take a few it and tell her that you obligation to be on them in satchel if something does happen and if she still disagrees, if you're comfortable describing her then relay her well I am prepared to have sex and if you disagree on putting me on the pill I guess I'll newly have to stir without it! And if specifically your ending choice, next if I were you I would use protection for sure!!

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get the pills and tell mom that popping a pill is deeply better than popping out babies

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