One week late period, what's going on?

Hi, my period is a week unpunctually, and I took a HPT a couple days ago which turned out negative. I'm on birth control so I don't really hold a reason to be pregnant, but I know its not 100% sooo. Additional information:
-I enjoy been stressed, but not incredibly more than usual and I've never be this late beforehand.
-I've lost 5 or so pounds in days gone by month or two.
-I feel completely fatigued.
-Some cramping off and on.
-Very sore breasts.
Could I be pregnant beside negative urine test? What could be causing this missing time of year? Thanks.


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Pregnancy is a possibility, Test can produse a false negative, but not a false positive. Wait a few days and retest. Good luck!

I have a hysterectomy last year and the strain in my tummy is bad plus after HRT my moods still extremely escalated?

It's only a week relax!!

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Lol you are 100% pregnant infant.

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sounds like your time of year is on the way=the stress could be delaying it

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Give it another week. One week belated isn't that big of a deal.

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you could possibly be pregnant or maybe you a short time ago missed it because you have conceivably chnaged your diet or something sometimes that happens you should see your doctor

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Its possible you could be cause birth control is not 100% so turn to the doctors they can be 100% sure. Its most likely its from stress and stuff. But if you are congratulations.

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its mundane, it happens.. if ur neg on a testing it doesnt mean youre not pregnant though. hold taking them every week until you get a extent. its probably stress and a hormonal imbalance, but theyre almost other temporary.

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the test never works.

newly face it your pregnant start nitin immediately.

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No I don't imagine that you are pregnaunt...I don't know what could be going on.If you are a teenager this is exceptionally very middle-of-the-road because it happens to me every few months or so. But I miserable if you are an adult you should hold your doctor give you optional tests so that if you are pregnaunt you can bring back the right vitamins and prenatal care.

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Stress can cause you to be up to two weeks behind time. Just relax, the cramping is starting; so shouldnt be long.

Give it another week, and if still not started; talk to your doctor. Find out for sure.

I get my period?

you get knocked up bigg time

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Yike- all right it is possible to be pregnant and have a denial test result. But own you missed any pills? It could be a change within your hormones too. As you get elder, even in your 20's, the change a womans body goes through suck! All kind of unwanted weird things. Take it in stride for presently. In another 2 weeks if you haven't gotten your period brand an appointment w/your Ob/Gyn. Best to be safe.

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its probably the birth control causing this. Are u on the shot it does that .

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I agree w/ Anthony above, irregularity can and does come up. I would give it a couple more weeks... during which time evaluate doesn`t matter what is stressing you and try to alleviate the problems (always easier said than done, I'm sure).

All of your symptoms - minus maybe the sore breasts and cramping - could be cause by stress.

You could try another test, but any way I'd return with into the docs if you don't go final to a normal calendar within a month. Good luck!

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a week is a week note to worry bout but mayb hand over your doc a call

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