I'm pretty sure my co-worker might be a girl; how do I found it without asking him personally?

My co-worker, "Clay", has be here about 2 years as a receptionist no smaller quantity. Don't mind you that "he" hardly does a point around here (took him 9 months just to decree large staples), but I've continuously notice some odd things going on for him. For one, he used to have a long pelt..I've seen pictures. Also, he have no adams apple. Occasionally, depending on clothing, he definitely appears to hold breasts. Combine this with no facial coat, a high pitched voice, and a income for bitching like a girl for a devout week out of every month, and I'm pretty sure he might be a woman going through a sex change. Are in attendance any suggestions for trying to find this out without coming out and directly asking "him" or "her". I really don't want to insult, but I'm curious.

how can bacterial vaginosis be treated without other going to a doctor?

OK. You're curious, but what makes this any of your business? Why must you know? Obviously, Clay wishes to be thought of as manly. This is a workplace. Professionalism dictates not prying into coworkers' lives.

what color are your armpits?

Questions about tampons or circumcision should point you in the right direction. With adjectives the politically correct crap your employer has within place, you'd probably get written up for even asking. I deem inviting this person to run swimming would give you adjectives the info you need to brand an informed decision.


Is he HOT?

How long will it whip me to have a time after being on depo for 8 years?

is his closing name Aiken???

hoooooooooooo, i'm so sorry, i couldn't resist.

we have a guy like that within our town, and EVERYONE knew he be going through a sex change, because he needed everyone to know. how could he hide it. i'm not sure what to put in the picture you, but, it would be interesting to know, huh?
good luck finding out!

easter blessings!

Is abdominal discomfort normal for hasty stages of pregnancy?

haha thats so funny!! ppl like ''clay'' are so freakin odd...glad we dont have them around here..u must live out west or up north...ppl down within the south arent SEXUALITY CONFUSED life that...GOOD LUCK

Is my body big for my age?

ask it out on a date, afterwards gauge his/her response

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