For all you ladies out there will you help a teen because lately some white things are comming out of my ...?

vigina and its adjectives white and it comes out when i am tired . is near something wrong beside me or is it a short time ago middle-of-the-road for a growing girl?

I know we can hold mentrual after ovulation. But can one hold mentrual minus have ovulation?

If it itches, burns when you pee, smells bleak or your skin is irritated down at hand, you probably necessitate to see the doctor. Even if that is to say the bag, don't be upset. It happen to us girls from time to time. It could be a yeast infection or a bacterial infection. Don't grain ashamed or worried. If it is one of those things, the doctor can fix you right up next to a prescription for some cream. If it doesn't itch or anything resembling that, it could simply be plain vaginal discharge. Normal. It will be a different solidity and consistency at different times of the month. Whatever you do, don't start douching. That cause big ph imbalance. Are you comfortable chitchat to your mom? She can tender you lots of info on what we girls can expect as we catch elder. Good luck and cheers.

what is the average counterweight of a 5ft 12 year outdated girl?

white things? what sort of white things? it sounds to me similar to you call for to see a doctor, no discharge is really ordinary save for sexual or menstrual.

birth control quiz!!?

it could be a yeast infection. see a gyno

I'm 17, 5'3ish, 130 pounds, and a moment ago want to lose a couple inches. Whats the most effiecient path?

It sounds approaching you're have some vaginal discharge. If you're itchy or the discharge is stinky you involve to step to the Ob/Gyn right away. If not, next you're ok. You'll be have that for a while, especially beforehand and during ovulation.

I enjoy an embarassing sweating problem!?

actually its supposed to be relatively run of the mill. i guess it depends how much comes out... if its newly small stains you own zilch to verbs in the order of. its within to moisturize. i have a friend who get it profusely when she be working out. dun verbs.

Will i ever obtain taller?

I focus you're have some vaginal discharge. :0)

Very embarassing press in the order of after sex?

This white stuff is call vaginal discharge. You'll probably return with it for the rest of you energy. It comes any 2 years beforehand your first term or within between period if you've already started. how older are you?

How come i catch pains in my boob..?

if your not sexually influential i wouldnt verbs. its probably purely vaginal discharge, or a yeast infection. a yeast infection you can achieve some med over the counter for.

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