WOMEN TELL ME:)Do you often get funny or irritating stomach noises..?
Just wanna know lol. I mean does it develop to you alot. N how do you feel abou it. And also i dont wanna hear WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY, thats when it happen, cuz i know that n its normal. But i penny-pinching when it just happen outta nowhere.?
Can having too much sex too normally damage the internal body of a male/female?
it's unnatural but whenever i rub my stomach it gurgles
no I don't I can go adjectives day short eating and my stomach won't product funny nosies but once I have gas that's another story
Yes almost everyday. Usually when I am hungry and/or stressed. It seems to merely happen when its reasonably around and the more I think around it, and try for it not to happen (cuz its kinda embarrassing) it happen more.
I think inheritance may have a tiny bit to do near it cuz it happens to my mom adjectives the time.