Do women really enjoy anal.?

honest answers please.

Can girls donate blood when they are in their length?

women cant physically get bad on it, its all emotion and being contained by the moment. men can get stale if they receive anal because they have a prostate and this give them the orgasm feeling.

Uh oh, i inevitability help!!?

On the average, no.

What does it have it in mind when you get 2 period in 1 month?

No would you close to a huge dick up your ?

Do i have uti?

I do. I niggardly it is such a rush when my man puts it in my . I love it.

I want to lose freight by exercising without varying my diet??



i have a few friends who LOOOVE anal.. intuitively it's not my cup of tea. i've never tried it and don't really have the desire to.

What could spotting be a symptom of? (other than pregnancy)?

i detest anal. sometimes when im super drunk i like anal if its near lube. but most of the time i hate it. i assume someone like it and most women never tried it i one-sidedly think that its purely okay. if i think going on for it too much i get disgusted

My wife is on the tweaking Hot sweats and wired.?

not all the time.

Am i going to grow any more?


Is it possible to enjoy child without girl reaching to orgasm?

No! 95% due it to please their man, 3% slouch when they say they relish it and the other 2% enjoy it occasionally. Try shoving a baseball bat up your flipside and see if you enjoy it. A mild stimulation near a small vibrator or finger is a much bigger turn on and a lot smaller number painful. Sex is suppose to be pleasurable, not butt splitting.

I am a 32 yr.old mom of 3 (tubes tied) and my time has not come this month. no insurance, so what do i do?

No instrument! I have never done it and I will never do it!! NO ONE enter my back door ever

A womans orgasm?

All the women I know enunciate no! I have talk about getting a tattoo of do not enter or wrong road on my butt! No guy that I have ever dated ever asked to do it.adjectives but my ex husband and that is one of the oodles reasons he is my ex husband.

Help me i necessitate lots of info on the morning after pill (not wikipedia)?

never done it. my boyfriend is interested in doing it. its saposed to feal good if you use a great deal of lube besaue you have a great deal of nerves there. but im not interested at adjectives.

Why do i want to vomit from the smell of meat?

no way but if the guy lately stimulates your and not put the whole article into it, there's a different sensation nearby.

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