I've had a period for 3 weeks now, is there something really wrong with me?

i'm 26, blk female, i do smoke, and i do embezzle medications

Girl help??

Bleeding for that long a time of year at just 26 is not a flawless sign. You need to bring back it checked by the doctor ASAP.

Am I pregnant or is it the pill?

It is most likely a sensitivity to the medicine that you are taking, lately get yourself checked out by your doctor, but I dont reflect on its anything to panic more or less.

Whats can i use for lubricant with purely stuff around the house?

I would definately go to the Dr. It could be a cyst or somethign to be exact irritating the lining of the uterus. But other err on the side of safety and receive a Dr to check it out..

I am on birth control and my period keep coming when its not supposed to and the pain is painful.?

Go to your doc asap you have a problem!

Can giving blood mess beside your period?

It could be copious things but i would go see a doctor ASAP.IT could be hormones,IT could be fibroids.I have this happen to me for six weeks once.I have a rare condition and have to have surgery and consequently go to see a cancer doctor who said I be ok.Take care of yourself,It could be zilch or it could be something serious. Dont suffer with this for to long.IT could be your meds too.lately go see a doctor,best wishes.

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