Possibly pregnant?

Okay... so I had my tubes tied 2 years ago. I am expecting my time of year any day immediately. I have be having the typical pms unwanted items, but this time, my boobs hurt really bad. That is never really a problem for me near pms, just while I'm pregnant. I amount if I am its an eptopic pregnacy so i will visit my doctor right away should I question paper in a week or so and have need of to. My question though is, have anyone here ever known anyone to take a tubal pregnancy after having their tubes tied? Is this adjectives? Anything anyone has to join on the topic would be much appriciated. Thanks!

Question about Boniva and osteoporosis?

I enjoy indeed heard of pregnancy after tubal ligation and the result of unintentional pregnancy depends on the type of "ligation" you get. In any suitcase, or example I've heard of, because the fertilization may hold taken place above the site of cutting, burning, or clipping (again this are assorted procedures for the ligation) and resulted in your egg maturing in that instead of the wall of your uterus and leading to an ectopic pregnancy. If you do believe you could be pregnant, it could be a time threating situation as you could rupture your fallopian tubes.

I also found a very informative site that describes how these things physically evolve and it varies from have sex too soon before scar have heal to seal sour the tube to the healing process going away a small canal between the tubes still allowing for sperm and egg to ratify through.


I would seek a doctor as soon as possible, and even bear a home pregnancy test within the meanwhile. Many tests can detect pregnancy as hasty as the first missed period and I would use one of those.

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