Do you think IVF is okay. What if some people were never ment to have children as a way of species control.?

Should people not adopt that they are not going to have children and explicitly nature's road?

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I'm not necessarily against IVF, though to me it seem unatural to fertilize an egg in a petri dish. However, I hold a big problem with fertility drugs that net women pop out 5, 6 or 7 children---clearly, a woman's body was not made to create nor pass that many children and things are mortal messed with that should not be messed near. I understand a woman's want to enjoy children, as that seems to be buried in our errand description as a woman or something. However, I do think some women are incompetent to conceive naturally as a form of species control...some genes simply aren't a good game for each other, and when the in one piece fertilization process happens contained by a natural environment in attendance are mechanisms that prevent a pregnancy from occuring--these mechanism may not be present outside of the woman's body. Also, a woman's body can be very intuitive and sense that it is unqualified to carry a child to occupancy, thus unallowing a pregnancy--when the egg is fertilized outside of the woman's body, this may not occur--potentially creating a health risk for mom or infant. However, a woman may have structural blight due to endometriosis or damage from a pelvic infection, that may own made it difficult for fertilization to occur--in these cases, I don't necessarily think that the woman is incapable of position a healthy child and IVF could be purely the little step a woman needs to conceive. All contained by all, I do guess that Mother Nature and not modern medicine is the better deem of who should be able to take on children and difficulties in conceiving is essentially a big part of a set of what keeps the top soil from becoming overpopulated.

I'd like toooooooooooo..?

If they be never meant to hold children then IVF wouldn't work for them. Remember respectively of us has no clue what is contained by store for us so it not up to us who is successfull with IVF etc.

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The problem near this theory is that it also funds that we shouldn't treat cancer or other life-threatening diseases as they are also nature's approach and might be a form of species control.

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I totally disgree near it, its a very long, expensive and tight ordeal to go through and its out of society's selfishness to enjoy their "own" baby. If citizens are so desperate to be parents there are millions of children awaiting adoption. I feel sometimes its a mind set of wanting something because your told you cant have it.

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People have to manufacture that decision for themselves. There could be a unharmed range of reason why someone might need/want IVF. Adoption is very difficult within this country and even if you are approved you may well enjoy to take on a child beside severe behaviour problems or beside disabilities which some may feel they are not competent to do. Adopting healthy babies is difficult because so oodles unwanted pregnancies are aborted. It is also becoming increasingly difficult to adopt in a foreign country.

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I think it is the evolve and responsible thing for general public who do not want children! There's nothing wrong next to it as many society are not cut out to be parents! If more people would step up to the plate and bring in that realization, we would not have adjectives the orphans in the world we enjoy!

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I have ethical misgivings nearly IVF. I wouldn't have it.

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How can you, as a female, speak "should people not adopt they are not going to have children"? You never know what is round the corner for you within the future. And assume trying for a baby for so long and consequently a doctor tells you that IVF is probably your one and only hope. That must be devastating for a woman and for a couple. Evey woman should have the opening to have a child if she so wishes.

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if they really aren't intended to have children next the IVF won't work for them.

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after seeing the state of some individuals who have kids i find that a brutal statement, theres genuine individuals out there who find concieving impossible and if i could i would submit eggs myself,, free...

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IVF is a personal choice. Unless you have experienced infertility, you will never think through the heartache that parents who desperately want children go through on a day by day basis.

There are so abundant parents out there who should NOT be allowed to reproduce and nonetheless, they can continue popping out babies and putting them into the foster trouble or welfare program. Why should two loving people who want a biological child not be capable of experience pregnancy if there is a medical odds available to them?

IVF allows loving families to be created. How could that NOT be okay?

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