I have found squidgy lumps on my sanitary towel during my period?

I do not mean to be crude, but it resembles little pieces of crude meat, as if it is from inside me, which kind of give me the
creeps a bit. The pieces are about 2 times the size of my pinky staple, sometimes even larger or smaller. Does anyone know what this is? ? I am really concerned.. xxx

Is it normal to become depressed for no judgment whatsoever?

If they are pink like a tissue color they are not blood clots! This should be address. If they are the color of your period or dark then they are most probable blood clots and no need to verbs. However, large clots can be incentive for alarm. Questions about issues such as these are best address to a professional. A doctor will know what questions to ask contained by case near is anything important that wishes to be picked up on.

Does anyone know which socioeconomic segment of the population is affected most by womanly infertility?

It' a blood clot and it's normal and nought to fret about.

Strech results?

its a blood clot and that's whats passing when you return with cramps

i might be pregnant and i've read i shouldn't be around cats! I have two! my bf will pilfer out the litter!

If I remember correctly, it's just bits of what would enjoy become the placenta if you had become pregnant. I don't suppose it's anything to worrisome.

How common is it to develop Pelvic Inflammatory Disease after have a miscarriage?

It's just the endometrium. It's the bin liner of your uterus that you shed during your period, and is nil to worry roughly speaking.

Hey Women.?

Those are "clots", and are normal.

Unless you are endorsement giant ones constantly, or bleeding through a pad surrounded by 20 minutes, you are perfectly fine.
I notice for me, that I cramp badly simply before endorsement a clot.

Problem with put a bet on pain?

they are blood clots and are regular

Should i shave "down there"?

blood clots.. they happen to me adjectives the time when i go to the bathroom on my term... or they will be on my tampon.

they are really gross but nothing to verbs about.

and yeah you do bring a lot more crampy because of trying to pass by them.

Can women who HAD anorexia still have kids?

Yeah, it's really digusting. I go and get mad of my body for betraying me by doing this. I quality like I requirement more control. I had control when I be ana...

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