Is it right to have intercourse when the woman is having her cycle?

Can someone having medical backgroung answer this interrogate?

I am looking into using mirena IUD as a birth control.?

Some people distress having intercourse during a woman's menstrual cycle. But menstruation cause absolutely no wound to either partner. In certainty, the contractions of orgasm seem to push accumulate fluids out of the uterus which may help terminate menstrual cramping.

Intercourse with a menstruating woman sometimes feel extra-nice for the following reasons: 1. The vagina might be super-lubricated due to menstrual secretion. 2. The added menstrual swelling might help a woman enjoy a really intense orgasm. 3. Some women get extra-horny during their period; this might have to do next to a change contained by hormones, or perhaps they be aware of more relaxed since it's harder to get pregnant, although pregnancy is still a risk.

As for the aesthetics of mid extent intercourse, sheets with menstrual lovemaking on them usually clean clean, but so what if they don't? Guys shed that much blood during a hard-fought activity of football and consider it a sign of courage.
Here are things that some menstruating women find helpful formerly having intercourse:

Put a towel down to entrap the flow!
If one or both of you doesn't like the mess but still loves the intimacy:
Wear a DIAPHRAGM. This stops most of the flow for the guy who doesn't resembling to see blood on his penis. However, some couples really like the opening intercourse feels during a woman's term.
Try having sex surrounded by the shower.
Try using the female condom.
If intercourse or oral sex during a woman's term isn't for you, you can always win each other rotten by hand, by using a vibrator or dildo, or you can relish watching each other masturbate.
Anal sex can be an opportunity if both of you enjoy it, but it's rugged to think that a woman who enjoy anal sex would have a problem beside vaginal sex while she's on her period.
Important Health Note: Do not wear tampons while have intercourse! You may end up contained by an emergency room trying to get it fished out.
Birth Control: Yes, you can take pregnant from having intercourse during a woman's term, so be sure to use birth control.

is it possible?

What would be wrong about it?
It is fine to hold intercourse while menstruating of course within will be a higher risk for std nouns. But otherwise there is zilch that can be wrong or cause any problems from doing it.

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Woman is having her cycle...Which cycle?
Motor cycle,or bicycle?
Rather difficult to hold intercourse when she has her cycle , because that damn entity would prevent you from coming close to your woman!
Ask her to leave her cycle aft, and then you can mount her blissfully.

urgent! its my breasts. females only plz?

Scripturally it is wrong. Read Leviticus 15:33

i want to increase my boobs.?

There is no medical explanation to not have sex next to a woman on her period- unless she has a blood disease such as HIV or Hepatitis, and you enjoy cuts/lesions in your genital nouns. However, is she had HIV or hepatitis, the risk still stands even if she isn't on her time.

Just take a shower afterward.

How do u exhaust or get rid of streach results?

Why is everyone talking nearly HIV/STD's.if the woman has HIV/Hepititis/STD you wouldn't want to be have unprotected s.e.x no matter what time of the month it is! Geeze.

There is note medically wrong - it all comes down to personal choice.

Is there anything to prevent frckles?

yes, my gf like to do it in the shower when she's on her time of year

Swollen Fingers?

it's ok to have intercourse any time of her menstrual cycle.
if what you penny-pinching is during her menstruation, when blood gushes or trickles from the canal into the napkin for 5 to 7 days, here's no problem.
what you will deal here is the icky emotion that the girl will take. most probably, she will overrun that moment.
would you like to see blood on your penis? or would you resembling your mattress to be blood-stained? if not, postpone that moment for another slice of her cycle.


I could never have a handle on why anyone would want to. Too smelly and icky. I can't see that the woman would get anything out of it. Anticipation increases the reward.

My menses last for more than 7 days?

plenty of lube in that situation. travel for it.

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