Only for girlls very personal issue plz answer?

White stuff in underwear embrassing !?
hii this is soo embrassing but iam gladd yall dont know me but anywaysi other get this white gooey stuff surrounded by my underwear and it smells bad since times past 21 yrs so i stopped wearing underwear cuz iam sick of changing them and doing laundry, so i catch it on my pants it looks close to semin and when ever i have sex somethimes it smells down here iam so embrassed i triued to wash it near soap bodywashes i put perfume before i hold sex but i want ti to smeel good i wan tto wear underwear and when i buy nice underwear from victoria secrects it get all white from inside plz facilitate me

intercourse on the last daytime of period?

hear of pantyliners??

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pantyliners would be your best bet. They are thinner after a pad so it's not self-conscious. If the smell is that bad later maybe it's time to see a GYN.

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go see a gyneacologist or your regular doctor and she can check you out. Some vaginal discharge is normal, but it shouldn't own a bad smell. Why have it taken you so long to find out about it anywway? Any body change should be checked out to make sure at hand's nothing sinister going on inside...

I preserve on sweating alot and really bad for a woman. I involve to know why i do it so much.?

Some women naturally veil more mucus than others, that's what the white stuff is. It's a self-cleaning mechanism for your cervix and vagina. It shouldn't own an odor if you wash thoroughly every morning and don't wear tight pant or synthetic underwear. Cotton is the best, and let the nouns breathe and not stay tight and moist all morning. You might find that changing underwear twice a morning or using mini-pads works for you. We all hold to do laundry, and changing your underwear and wash them every day is not an swift chore of normal go. You DO change them every morning don't you?!

Serious ?

you must try to contain yourself, dear.

sounds like your love juice are totally out of control.

a moment ago what is it that you spend your days thinking about, anyway? do you ever reason that perhaps you shouldn't stare at men's groin nouns? stop being so hot for it slightly bluntly and perhaps, you won't enjoy problems such as this!

Can u help beside CRAMPS??

this white stuff that you get is call discharge and it is the body's natural bearing of getting rid of bacteria from the vagina. however if it have an unpleasant odour then you might own a yeast infection. do not put perfume or any kind of stinking stuff on your vagina cos they contain harmful chemicals that may mar the delicate tissues of the vagina. i suggest that you see a doctor.

I deliberate im on my period but theres barley blood coming out?

having some discharge from vagina is everyday, and that discharge leaves white patch on panties.
But if it had fruitless smell then better to turn to a gynecologist may be you are having some inflammation in pelvis.

Ladies, PMS?

Hi here,
Sounds like ur within a pickle!
Firstly. dont try to clean 'up within' anymore, this is called douching and will construct the 'smell' worse! and definitely no perfume! You probs own an infection called bacterium vaginosis, you can buy stuff for this online so no loss of composure of seeing the doc. You need to buy a sensitive fragrance free rinse for use down there, and merely clean kind-heartedly around the outside... the vagina is self cleaning so no need to scrub away! Also, take home sure you use panty liners each day and urinate after intercourse to prevent infections.

Hope all of this works!! Hannah xx

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probably its a yeast comes with whitish discharge and a foul smell,sometimes cause itching and pain as ably. the chemical balance of the vagina is drastically sensitive, it is best to let the vagina verbs itself. The vagina takes caution of cleaning itself naturally through secretion. the best way to verbs after going to the toilet is with verbs water solitary, and after having sex also its best to verbs only near water.any soap or detergent might brand name the matter worse, but you own got a problem at hand so first thing you enjoy to do now is to procure proper treatment for that.good luck

Ive be bulimic for 7 yrs now, are my ovaries self damaged?

try letting your goodies breathe at hours of darkness, and also try douching.

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