Period, relationg the morning after pill?

I used the morning after pill twice in a month inside days of eachother. 2 in december and afterwards 2 in January. Now I am getting deeply light irregular period. Does this relate to fertility? How long will it go on for?

Answers:    I don't contemplate you're meant to use it twice that close together. But hopefully it worked for you.

Irregular period, sometimes lighter than usual, are common side effects. Normally women catch an early one and consequently a late one. But seeing as you took it twice, it's not surprising your cycle is adjectives over the place. It's possible some of it could have be implantation bleeding, but I doubt it.

Have you taken a pregnancy test or see a doctor for a blood test? If you be pregnant you should be far along now that it would show.

I would articulate it would take until I don`t know the end of this month or start of subsequent one for your periods to stabilise again.
I wouldn't imagine you would be pregnant since you used the morning after pill, but considering you are having lighter period I would do a pregnancy test a moment ago to be sure. The morning after pill can affect your body, and this could be a symptom. If you continue to hold this issue or any other symptoms then shift visit your doctor, or if you cant afford that gain some free advice from the pharmacy. You may be pregnant and for this must hold to take suggestion from your doctor or you can take doctor proposal online from at very little cost
apparantly... your with the sole purpose supposed to take the morning after pill a max of twice surrounded by your life!! it probably wont be pay for to normal for a couple of months. it might be a sign of fertility but you should filch a test to be sure. After I took the morning after pill, I get my period a few days hasty and It was amazingly heavy.
the pills you took have your cycle rather confused... you better not rely on morning after pills for birth control 'coz you are exposing yourself to lofty dose estrogen... better be on a cyclic pill, or barrier methods The morning after pill is a concentrated pill of your regular birth control pills. Some hospitals used to give the morning after pill to stop a potential pregnancy from up, dont always rely on this have i got pregnant even though i took this pill..
You shouldnt rely on this method of contraception to prevent a pregnancy, due to the large hormones in these pills it will mess your cycle up..

I would nick a test, only to be sure.
I took 2 morning pills this month and my period come early and it be light. so I guess this are the side effects we both enjoy.

I took a test, it be negative, but I still don't trust it
I will budge to see a doctor and I would advise u to do so. I am afraid I may be pregnant and so may u
morning pills are 89% sure :((

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