Which Multi-Vitamin is best for a woman my age...?

I'm working a 45+ hrs, partime college student, mother of 2 & completely exhausted (average 6hr sleep).
I'm in my 27, petite (5'2), slender (106lbs), work out about 4x a week.
I guzzle healthy & i know the best sorces are from quality's fruits & veggies.

But if I was to take a multi-vitamin.
There's so many out in attendance and heard roughly speaking Natural or Synthetic Vitamins.
I know that FDA do not regulate the vitamin industry, so there are so various that still meet the GMP guides.

What would be best & why?

Bigger boobs?

Information is fundamental, a label must transmit you the name and the form of the ingredient used, the amount of tablets contained, the amount of respectively ingredient contained, the batch number, the expiration date, and most importantly the address of the capitalist.
**Since what is on the label is no guarantee of what is in fact in your supplement bottle, request a Certificate of Analysis (COA) for the product, which is available from the factory owner. This will give a right indication of the quality and purity of the live ingredients. If the manufacturer does not supply this beside every product they sell, simply choose another brand.

Knowing what vitamins work in good health together, e.g. Vitamin E and Vitamin C should always be taken together, this is because both these vitamins work together to serve each other.
You should know the correct set off of vitamins and minerals required to ensure that the supplement work sufficiently. What many folks don't know is that taking too much of a vitamin can do more damage than right.

Virtually all diseases trace some of their causes final to a poor diet, lacking within the essential nutrients that the body needs contained by order to accomplish properly.

Focus on Healthy Eating at your top priority over any supplements.

I can;t really say what brand is honest... it all depends on your own preferences.
But I do try to stay away from the store brands as they are merely full of $..!!
Simply drink the natural juice from ffuit & vegetables blended & carry extra surrounded by a thermos for the daylight. Mis or blend night until that time if you have not much time to run around.

i am above 100 lbs can any girl move up and carry me? if yes contained by which way?

see your doctor and obtain a medical review and ask them or a pharmacist about it. they Will examine you and see what clues your body is recounting you what you lacking minus.

Am i sick?

According to an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, doctors should recommend dietary supplements to their patients to at least bring them up to the undeveloped levels of nutrient support. However, doctors do not receive training in nutrition so it's mode of hard for them to in reality do so. I have frequent clients who are sent to me by their doctors for exactly that reason.

You really want a natural product because more and more science is showing that synthetic and hyper-isolated nutrient sources are useless or worse. There are markedly, very few food-based multivitamins on the marketplace that follow GMPs, but they are out there and they are regulated by the FDA in the framework of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994.

If you can't find a good supplement on your own, or if you don't quality like looking, you can ask me for a counsel through email. I don't make recommendation through the Q&A because I feel that's innappropriate.

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