Why do i bring back palpitations a week formerly my interval?
Answers: Changing hormone levels can basis different problems for women including palpitations.
First thing is not to verbs too much about them-- I know a consultant who used to say-so they were a sign of a on top form heart !(as long as they are not accompanied by chest distress or difficulty in breathing)
When they appear just try and relax- stir somewhere quiet, close your eyes, focus on your breathing- slow it down to soft.
If this doesn't work try some rescue remedy- a few drops onto your tongue
An increase in progesterone cause some woman minor palpitations or tachycardia, usually two (versus one) week prior to menstruation. Next time you see your doc. ask if you should have your sex hormones (progesterone, estrodial and testosterone) checked for unusual level. It is most likely zilch to worry nearly.