Dizziness after cesarean?

I had a cesarean 10 days ago and every time I stand up, even when I thieve my time, I get extremely dizzy. Also if I am standing for any length of time I start premonition light head. I have be taking it easy and not over exerting myself to any extent, so I don't estimate I should be dizzy like this basically from standing up.

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Hi, I've had 3 children, 2 c-sections(1st & 3rd) - Your body's be through alot, pregnancy and surgery - There's alot of hormonal changes, restorative goin on+ It great you are taking it easy, merely continue to do so - It took me in the order of a month to feel humane of normal, stronger - But if you experience dizzyness to the point of falling, please see your doctor - Hope this help and makes you surface alittle better, tc & congradulations! Stac

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Low blood pressure?
Seeing a doctor?
On medication that might be contributing to dizziness?

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Try to stand up a little more slowly. This effect is particular as vertigo, and is caused by a rush of blood escaping to and from the brain adjectives at once.

Also, if you feel dizzy while standing up (as in, you own been standing for a long while and suddenly surface dizzy), it may be iron drug or grocery storedeficiency. In this case, eatting red meat will facilitate boost your iron levels. If you stay away from red meat, consider taking iron supplements, found in any grocery store or pharmacy.

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I would call your doctor and ask him/her roughly it. I had a c-section, and besides the stomach-ache in my gut after standing up, never have the dizziness, so i don't know if the dizziness is a common entry after surgery.

Just play it safe and send for your doctor.

Take Care.

why i so highly sick?date birth october29,1963. ghazala?

i have a c section two years ago.i dont really know what cause the dizziness but mine lasted months. it culd be low blood pressure or blood sugar. my doc said it be not normal for that after one week.. be paid sure you call your ob soon. are you taking any vitamins? sometimes you my entail that...even more so if you are breast feeding. i go through hell recovering from my c section. i enjoy friends who recovered the next morning but in my casing it took about 3-4 months to touch normal again. apposite luck to you and make sure you nickname your doc!

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You can still be feeling some residual effects from the surgery. My first ? to you is...Are you bleeding cumbersome?

Try to scoot to the edge of your stool and sit for just a moment and afterwards rise slowly. If you are getting light head after standing for a little while next you are most likely over doing even though you don't touch as though you are. IF this keeps persist I would recommend you calling your doctor on Monday and alert him what is going on. Also, for your safety and your child's don't stand for while holding him/her basically in grip you do pass out. If it get to be to much then by adjectives means progress to the ER. I hope this helps and CONGRATS on the little one.

I once read an article that said that women perceive less anguish at one time of the month and it is recommended that

You have purely had a big operation and it will nick quite a while to restore your health completely.
Ask the doctor a good tonic and pilfer plenty of rest , because once you recover you will enjoy enough to do, so whip a rest when you get the destiny.
Good luck to you and your baby and stop individual over anxious.

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