I'm a 19 year-old woman. I want 2 lose weight and I know exercise plays a big role, but I hate working out.

I want too lose about 35-40 pounds. I'm 5'7 and my counterweight is between 200-220. I want 2 tone up my arms, abs, thighs, and butt. I know for a fact I can't do push ups. What are some simple exercises I can do 2 obtain in shape or inexpensive equipment?

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At your weight, walking would be a pious start. Walk as briskly as you can for 30 mins a day (5 days a week) and afterwards up the amount of time as it gets easier for you.

Also you may want to try an assortment of exercise videos/DVDs that catch your eye. Dancing, bicycling, swimming, etc are adjectives good ways to workout also. Jogging may be something to try when you've lost some of the counterweight so it won't be such an impact on your legs and feet.

I topped out at 232 oodles years ago, so I can relate to what you're facing. Trust me...if you want it badly plenty you can do it.

Along with the regular exercise, get through healthy...move sweets and junk food as occasional treats. Focus on lean meat, fruits and veggies, complex carbs, healthy fat, and drink LOTS of water. When I'm dieting I cut my calorie intake to going on for 1500 a day, and coupled beside the exercise it is a healthy mode to lose weight.

Good luck!

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Hip Hop Abs is GRREAT!! So is pilates!

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Start by doing cardiovascular exercises close to jumping jacks, submerge rope, jogging, any exercise that get your heart rate up if done for at least 30-45 mins at a time will facilitate you burn fat.

Whats a?

if you don't approaching typical exercise try a sport or other activity similar to tennis, bike riding, hiking, swimming, gardening or other yard work, jump rope, power walking, an aerobics class...

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ok mabe u can walk a dog..or if mabe u can walk instead of driving all the time.in good health eat better...guzzle alot of snacks like bananas.apples..grapes..orange... also move about on this diet that i was on i.e. calles the fat smash diet..i lost 10 pounds contained by 2 weeks and i am not lieing at ALL..

this is only for mumbai girls. any girl own small boobs ? u want to make it big?by exrcise? if yes, convey pm..

I hate doing workouts too. But here are more ways than not doing exercise. Like: you should try the Kellogg's Special Diet stuff like protein hose down or cereal. this stuff really works because I tried it for 1 week and i lost about 12 pounds. or you should try the week foods the ones you chomp through and you don't gain weight you merely loose it. I forgot the name but they work too.

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If you really want to lose that much weight, you're newly gonna have to put contained by the work. And you sound approaching you're not ready to work to carry what you want. If you really want to lose weight, newly start simple and walk for resembling a half hour to an hour every daytime and slowly step it up to speed walking and then jog. Eat healthy, drink lots of hose, etc. You're not gonna get anywhere by sitting on your at the rear wishing you can lose some cargo.

It's probably not what you wanted to hear, but it will be worth it. If it wasn't consequently it would be way easier.

Good luck

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Walking is the simplest exercise you can do. It costs nothing and you can do it anywhere. You nouns like you would necessitate motivation, so ask a friend to walk near you, or walk near an MP3 player. You can also trick yourself into getting little spurts of exercise. For example, when you go to work or to the shopping arcade, purposely park very far away from the building so your hoof it will be longer. Or when you are just sitting around the house, turn the TV rotten and the radio on. Most likely you will not basically sit on the couch if the tv is not on, and you'll want to move around because of the music. If that doesn't work and if you can afford a treadmill or stationary bike (try walmart), get one, put it surrounded by front of the tv and use it while your favorite show is on (this is my favorite way to exercise). You will be so into your TV show that you will not even focus about the certainty that you're exercising. Side Note: you MUST do weight lifting to tone your body; adjectives the cardio in the world will not tone you, it will basically slim you down. You can try weight training while your watching TV also, but it requires for a time more concentration, because you have to compensate attention to your form.

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