Soreness down "there"!!?

i know i ask this a lot but im really going nutty!
i saw 2 doctors who said that my hymen was fully intact (i never have sex and never inserted anything in my vagina).
the other day i tried to check my hymen for myself and after that i feel soreness and it burns when i pee, but i never bled.
it's been 5 days in a minute and nothing works (i tried anti-inflammatory, antibiotics ...)
i enjoy just checked it presently, and i didnt see anything!!
can this be my hymen? or it has to bleed within order to own this burning sensation?
Please Help meeeeeee

Recently I've been experiencing external vaginal itching after sex what is it and how can I stop it?

So you never have sex?
Ok... you probably have
1. urinary tract infection. It give you a sore feeling when you pee and habitually you may feel an urgency to be in motion.
Take some urinary alkalinisers (Ural/Citravescent) to help the symptoms consistency better.
Drink cranberry juice as it is set to reduce the germs to stick less to the urinary tract walls.
And if it get unbearable, see a doctor to get hold of antibiotics for that UTI. Not all anitbiotics can treat UTI so bring up to date him exactly what your symptoms are

2. Candida infection - often you may see cottage cheese close to discharge. You just want to take some antifungal preparations available over the counter. Also bear more yoghurt as it replaces the natural flora around 'down here'.

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more feasible an infection. why are you so hung up about your hymen?

Small doubt?

Why are you checking your hymen? If you are consciousness a burning sensation when you pee, you might have a urinary tract infection. Leave your hymen alone and quit checking it. I would believe if your hymen broke, it might bleed.

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Burning next to urination means you might own a bladder infection. Go get tested for a UTI.

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This have nothing to do next to your hymen. It might have a unharmed lot to do with you not wash your hands past hand, when you be trying to check your hymen for yourself.

A burning sensation when you pee, has more to do beside a urinary tract infection.if you have be on usually have to be on them for 10 days, not 5. Go to a doctor and stop digging at yourself.

Look. The hymen usually breaks upon intercourse. You can also break your hymen by falling callously or horseback riding. If this happends, do what many others hold done in similar situations similar to yourself: prick your finger...bite the inside of your lip and put a small stain on the sheets if you need to 'prove' anything-after consumation. Dont verbs about it.

You are probably made yourself sore by fingering yourself so much. Wash your hand!

Blood clottings?

could be a cyst or cancer or a bad infection!!

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