What do u call this? serious answers please...?
Im not sure if this is masturbating or not. Sometimes I get sexually aroused, so I lay on my bed, any on my hands or on a pillow. Then I kinda...push on my crotch nouns or squeeze my legs together. I get a weird however pleasurable sensation "down there.
What exactly do you beckon that? Please dont leave me any comments that vote "ewww" or "what the heck?" honest answers wanted. Do any of you do this?
Lately when i enjoy sex with my boyfriend it hurts more consequently usual,wat could cause this?
Yes, it is masturbation. you don't hold to have direct contact next to your clitorus in writ to get pleasure, the indirect pressure can impose orgasm or pleasure as well. There is nil disgusting about it.
Lida beside birth control pills?
yeah that would be maturbation i think basis its pleasing yourself.man i wish i be a girl...lol sounds funner then your foot..lolyup i rub myself sometiems to... i dont put my fingers in at hand but i rub and squeeze...so dont feel strange
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yeah that sounds resembling masturbation. And no, I don t do it.Besides birth control pills what is the best form of birth control?
I do whatever feel good. Did you grasp all damp asking the world your question?I own not got my spell yet and I am 14 is that chance? so I cant get Preganant?
It is masturbation and near's nothing wrong next to it. This is the one way women swot how their bodies are sexually because we are all different. Women have a different sexual response than men so it's essential that we are in tune beside our own sexual self. It takes us somewhat more time to know what makes us perceive good, so hold at it.I would consider that masturbation, since masturbation is sexually pleasuring yourself in any way.
Masturbation is impeccably normal and deeply healthy! There are also LOTS of women who masturbate and in that is nothing to be red or nervous give or take a few.
To answer your question, yes, I do masturbate, but not as habitually as I used to, since I got married.
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Yep, welcome to the wonderful world of masturbation. It's without fault natural. That's how I started masturbating too, though I didn't know what it be called at the time - I be seven...What major impact is not have a period have on me?
That's masturbating, just not contained by the usual way. Any form of self pleasuring is defined as masturbating and is highly healthy.masturbation is impeccably healthy and if truth be told many sex therapist and doctors recommend it. you learn what you want and how to do it, and when you switch on to share that with another party, that experience can make your sex existence better. dont feel guilty. I have it hardwired into my brain that sex and masturbation was BAD and in a minute i know it's not but i still have it on my conscience and cannot hold an orgasm from anything with another party.
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