Facial hair above the lip?

whats the best way to find rid of hairs above the lip? b/c i really want to draw from rid of mine, i am a brunette & it really shows


Ladies, my girl says soap is desperate for her pH balance down near?

wax...i just get mine done today and it looks really good...and have no hair

Does anyone know a process to get over your time of year faster than normal? I necessitate to be free this weekend!?

i would buy some hair remover for the upper lip..i believe nair sell some..just dont shave

Effexor press?

I have this problem to, I enjoy been getting laser treatment which works great, but for the moment they recommend to me using one of those little buzzer razors, you can buy them within the makeup department for about 10 bucks, they are by revlon, it cuts the spine right at the surface, and doesnt not create any stubble. Tweezing can cause ingrown hair, waxing is tremendously painful and will only make you red and bleach is unspeakable. I would just recommend buzzing it every once and a while and not a soul will notice a point.

Girls, do you think its essential for girls to be physically strong now and why?

bleach it that what i do

Birth control pills?

Just go to a salon and seize it waxed. It is not nearly as bleeding as what some people spawn it out to be. And they know what they are doing, so you won't end up beside a burned upper lip from trying to do it yourself.

How long does it take to start bleeding?

best agency is to wax yourself or at a salon.

never shave it or else you'll capture bumps like a man...

Severe cramps?

1.)Lock everyone out of the house
2.)Consume ample of your favorite alcohol to get
throroughly tipsy
3.)Wax it
Yes it hurts close to.like.powerfully I cant think of a suitable comparision but it stings pretty a lot. But it stays oh so smooth for pretty a while and after doing it for a while it grows back finer. Or if you dont necessitate the extra pain surrounded by your life, basically bleach it.
Happy waxing.

ADHD related.?

Not the singular one =)
you can wax it or use hair remover although i would influence laser to get rid of it for upright

Did someone know Dr.Darshan R. Shah ?

wax, it makes the spine thinner after a few sessions.

Is it possible to get side effects from Depo Provera after have been on it for a while?

If within's not too much of it, do you really need to do anything? Most guys are OK almost women with a slight moustache.

If you do establish you have to do something, next there isn't a simple answer. Do read through this to the extension ..

Facial (and also body) hair on women comes just about in impossible to tell apart way as on men because of

1) your body mortal sensitized, before you be even born, to testosterone -- doesn't happen to adjectives girls, but does to many

2) your body producing high level of testosterone

The growth rate and coarseness of the hair depends on of late how much testosterone is circulating in your bloodstream.

Steer clear of bleaching -- when someone sees you against the flimsy you'll look as if you have a aflame moustache and/or beard.

As far as removing it is concerned it's worth remembering that

* Waxing, plucking, threading, epilating all verbs the hair out by the roots and where on earth the growth is hormonally-driven can actually stimulate a dormant follicle into producing more spine quicker. They also distort the root if done repeatedly, leading to fleece growing at strange angles. And you've got to consent to the hair grow to relatively a length before you can repeat the exercise. It can also injury the skin and discolor it. Long-term use of waxing also cause bad wrinkles.

* Chemical depilatories strong adequate to remove the hair are remarkably likely to burn the skin, explanation swelling and cause long-term discoloration of the skin.

* Laser is also liable to produce burning and discoloration and in any case singular works effectively on a dark hair/light skin combinantion.

* Electrolysis is especially liable to cause scarring and discoloration of the skin.

Which, similar to it or not, leaves shaving which does not damage the skin. Best done next to a men's-style electric razor, the best of which, for women, are probably those from the men's catalogue of Norelco razors (Philishave outside the US). Most women who try a men's Norelco wonder why nobody ever told them around it before. Norlecos in fact place the hair lower than gentle stiffness and depress the skin before adjectives, so the hair is cut a moment ago below the normal skin stratum.

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