I need help asap ..?

Hi, I have a severely important career interview tomorrow for a call center rep.solitary thing is, I hold somehow strained my throat and can barely chitchat..I havent been sick or anything..but I inevitability some quick at home remedys for getting rid of this asap.I am 23,so it isnt my voice "changing" or anything similar to that.It is 11pm and the interview is at 6pm tomorrow night!!Please give support to me.Thanks.I am willing to try roughly anything!

What internet site do i need to select for medical direction that i can email?

First of all, stop stressing. That's the number one bring of strained voice (believe me, I have lost my voice for up to 8 WEEKS!). Second, brew some tea (green is good) and attach honey and lemon and sip that. If you have any lozenges surrounded by the house, you can suck on them during the day (and verbs the honey, tea, lemon routine). No talking, humming, singing, screaming, etc until of late before the interview. If you hold any 'slippery elm' or can get to a robustness food store, it works too. Anything to soothe your frazzled nerves will help your throat (yoga, meditation, etc.). And remember, they will be really lucky to enjoy you for an employee!

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Hot tea next to honey and lemon juice.

Kinda PersonalGirls onlyplz?

gargle melt salt hose and take a zinc tablet and progress to bed. get some rest and i.e. about it.

for girls with the sole purpose..?

something warm such as tea will soothe your irritation.try a spoonful of honey/lemon to coat your throat.angelic luck on your interview

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hot tea beside lemon in it, only a squirt


gargle with heat up salt hose down. and try some chloraseptics.

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I would gargle with saline water and use heat up or hot compresses on my throat. Brush your teeth and tongue really well to massacre as many germs as you can and drink plenty of liquid, take a really hot hip bath and get plenty of sleep. All of these should lend a hand.

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the garling near hot salt hose down works!

It is the frist month i am taking the birthcontrol pill but my period hasn't stoped (13days), i this run of the mill?

hot tea. lemon.
vitamin c
antiseptic spray

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try a sore throat spray or cough drops, it will moisten the area. Also try tea next to honey and lemon. Try inhaling steam (like a home facial- just label sure its not too hot!)
Thats all I can give attention to of for now.

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I'll permit someone else handle the medical member, but I'd suggest just trying to relax. In adjectives honesty, it really sounds stress induced.

Could i be allergic to??

drink about three or four cups of tea- don't use your voice tomorrow---- drink more tea (green tea) and by six pm your problems will be allieviated!

Birth Control Question?

You can try this website and click on any connection you want. http://www.google.com.sg/search?hl=en&q=Sore+Throat+&meta=
For the home remedies, you can garle your mouth with brackish water or engineer a tea and add a teaspoon of honey.
Good luck, chum.

Is it normal ?

Heat a cup of river (in microwave, is possible) with a 2 Tbs apple cider vinegar.donate a 1 Tbs honey. Sip slowly.

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Lemon tea next to honey. Honey is the key ingredient. Good luck.

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Do not speak until you own to. Resist the temptation to preserve trying it to see how it sounds. Don't whisper because that's in truth harder on your vocal cords. Before bed, gargle next to warm brackish water. Then, if you hold honey, try some weak, clear hot tea and swallow a spoonful of honey. When you wake up tomorrow, gargle with reheat salt hose, followed by the tea and honey thing again. You can do this a few times during the afternoon. Resist the urge to use your voice. Speak aloud gently at 4 p.m. If your voice is still gone, contact the personage you have the interview near (even if you have to enjoy someone else do the talking for you after you own squeaked out what you are able.) Tell them you be stricken with an mistimed case of severe laryngitis and apologize for the inconvenience. Give them the remedy if they would want you to come anyways (they won't) or reschedule. Thank them profusely. If possible, follow with an e-mail thank you for the courtesy of rescheduling. If you button this with class, it will most to be sure count in your favor instead of against you.

Do birth control pills really work?

Brew some dampen with sliced lemons, sliced ginger & undamaged cloves of garlic, add honey when done.

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