Is this normal DURING the length? Cramps and backache?!?


I have have an unusually long period this month. It's be almost two weeks. Anyone ever had this trouble?

as you would expect! I get that adjectives the back will usally start hurting the daytime before continues for a few days and my cramps will start the first day of my cycle..anyway to give support to with the headache you could try always does the trick for me...also hot baths or showers are apt for temporary nouns and although it may not seem functional taking a walk can really relieve get rid of your cramps

appropriate luck and dont worry around's normal!

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Sounds like your kidneys to me. You should drink a LOT of marine and if it still hurts in a few days be in motion see your doctor. Try to stay away from sugar, fake sugar, and anything beside citrus.

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of course hun and love ure avatar!

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HELP HELP HELP! need to be done by JUNE!! AAAAHHH:O?

During my period, I was one of the unlucky ones who have both cramps and backaches. I found that individual active and not intake food with caffeine help me cope with this. Also, pious personal hygiene keeps you emotion fresh.

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completely 110% normal!!

Yeast Infections at an impulsive age?

Yes, I get that plentifully too. Pretty much sucks and makes you dread those few days of the month.

Is is commonplace.

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