Sister in law is 32 yrs. she d'nt want more child. She tested positive. Is there any pills for termination?

her last period was on 16th July. She already have two child and dont want more. When tested for pregenancy she found positive. Please suggest name of any pills for termination of pregnancy.

HELPpergnent and want to win rid of it !?

Fist of all your sister surrounded by lawa nd her hubby have to want what is to be done.
In the first place why did she have sex lacking any protections? Why did she not go for undamaging day sex ?
Secondly, It will be much better if she seek medical advice. I will warning not to go for pills and catch an abortion. Get it medically aborted.
Good luck

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i know this sounds bad.. but hold her drink alot of alcohol.. their is no termination pill except for the day after.. she can also own an abortion for around $600.. or give it up for adoption for free..

Ok any other ladies own this problem??

no, she has to achieve an abortion.

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That is crazy (advice from Nicolas) to have her drink greatly. There is somehting called alcohol poisoning and folks died from it every year. Also, if she ends up having the babe he/she can have serious birth defect. To terminate a pregnancy, she desires to consult a physician. She cannot just carry a pill over the counter. And many women also die from butchered abortions for not going or individual able to move about to a good doctor. I know it sher edict, but in my heart I hope she have the baby and let another couple that wants to bump up him/her. If she decides to do the most difficult loving point, I can offer my home, Have her e-mail me.

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I just can't follow how she can feel that opening. Especially if she has two children already. I come up with she should wait until the shock wear off in the past making any irrational decisions. If she is contained by a loving relationship then she really requirements to think long and easier said than done before bloodshed this baby. And NO at hand is no pill to abort a baby!!

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