Do big bones effect ur weight?

I'm 14 an worried about my cargo, they say that i look fine and i weigh alot because i am big boned, but i'm alike weight as a woman that has have 4 kids :S
telll meee if big bones affect ur w8 plzz i'm gettin worried!

Is there anything wrong next to me?

Yes, people next to 'large bones' or more muscle mass tend to weigh more.

See if any of this sounds habituated:

-People are always surprised to hear how much you weigh, most deduce you weigh a lot smaller amount.

- The scales says you are 10lb overweight, but you are still wearing a size 7 or 9.

- If you weigh what the charts said, you would just look close to skin and bones.

- You have massive wrists and ankles.

- You have broad shoulders and cavernous hip bones.

If you answered yes to all of the above, likelihood are you are big boned.

HTH : )

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i think big boned too im 19 and still verbs about my substance..i know i could lose my stomach but everything else is fine...ur to young to verbs about ur weightiness..

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yes they do, bones weigh a lot, I don`t know u have deeply of calcium, dont worry going on for it too much

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