What are your thoughts on abortion?

What are your thoughts on abortion?

And for those involved in any associations for or against abortion please mention this in your comment so i can notify you why i have asked this question and hopefully yo can abet me further

Answers:    I used to be totally against it- "killing your baby", "your baby have no choice", etc., etc., but have dramatically changed my point of view. I be 16 and had an abortion, and it was the toughest item in the world for me.
Now, at 28 years old, married, settled, and set to have a baby on my lingo and take care of the child, it may hold been the best choice I had. My energy is straightened out- and I'm a responsible adult, and had I not made the choice I made, I would not be where on earth I am today.
It sounds really selfish, but I had to regard of myself at that point.
I believe every woman should have the choice. It makes me angry to see women nick advantage of the ability to abort, by doing it multiple times, but everyone make a mistake in their lives, and everyone should have the opportunity to set themselves straight. .
im one of those population who is totallly against it. i mean im fine with population who feel its te right choice for them. i just dont focus i could ever do that. as an 18 year old i think i could live near being a young mom, but i dont judge i could ever live with the fact that i kill my own baby :/ its just a thought that would never cross my mind if i be pregnant, and would never ever leave my mind if i actually get one. i know older women that got them when they be young and it completely changed them, youd always be not here to wonder about that other child, there are merely so many other options than abortion. psyche hope at least everyone that goes through making the verdict would explore all the decisions past picking one out of thin air.

hope that help:)

- also the only thing that i am iffy on is rape. becasue you wouldnt want to be stuck reliving a nightmare for 9 months. but later again everything happens for a reason, im unsure in that case.
I believe abortion is a good thing when it's mandatory. It's great that we have the rights and technologies to act them safely and at need for women surrounded by the modern day and age and don't have to rely on herb and dangerous practices (or shotgun weddings, a dangerous practice themselves).

The cliche give or take a few gun control and abortion fits my views pretty well, "If you don't resembling it, don't have one."

That's my mature standpoint. My embryonic standpoint is that rabid pro-lifers are really easy to piss off, and it's seriously of fun. I stood around telling dead newborn jokes to the people protesting a spanking new doctor's office in my nouns until they actually left. I hold a few verrrry liberal stickers on my car and one of them gets me cut past its sell-by date by people with "Choose Life" stickers more that you'd in actuality believe if I told you.

I do fully support people who don't agree with abortion and would never own one, but if you've got the cojones to protest or you put things like that on your saloon, you've got to know that it makes you an jammy mark to antagonize. XD.
HELL NO! that destucts your body emotional and phisicly. you are FORCING something out of your body and it is trying sooooo intricate to stay in there...i did a HUGE project aganst abortion and i convinced one of my friends not to turn through with it...she was raped... and that's adequate destruction for our body go through with it! after you can put the chil up for adoption. if you didn't want to have it in the first place you shouldn't enjoy had sex or you should have doubled up on condoms I intuitively believe that once you are conceived in the womb, you are a person, and you should own the right to live. Not everybody is a Bible thumper, but it says that God knows you past you are even born. If God knows you, then doesn't that kind you a person, not a thing? Also, at hand are so many couples out there that can't hold children of their own and would love to adopt a child. I'll be the first to say that foster care is no place for a child, b/c those culture are usually only in it for the parliament money, but at least they stand a chance at vivacity.


This is a site with a list of celebrity and important people who be adopted. Think of where we would be in need George Washington Carver, Gerald Ford, Bill Clinton, Jesus, Moses, and others. They were all adopt and went on to change the course of the world. Good luck..
I believe respectively to there own.. no one have the right to judge u on any decision u engineer regarding the subject. Accidents happen and if u arent within the situation (financially,no partner etc) to look after the child u need to think striaght for yourself and if anyone requests to critise u tell them to f**k off coz its your right if u choose to or not to.. Best of luck if u r surrounded by a tough situation.. I think it depends on the person. If someone wants to get an abortion for money needs or physical requirements than that is their choice....I personally don't want to draw from one ever...but if I have to I would, it really depends on the person and situation..
its great!! if i ever get pregnant i would have one....i should not be a mother..and if i did by any insane chance go and get pregnant the baby would be majorly disabled by the meds i am on..i hate children w/every breath within my body... im not against it im 15 and if i got pregnant id definitly take it.but i respect ppl who r against it and respect that every1 has a different opinion.
If you bring back an abortion you are killing a child before it even get time to live. I have thought about this rather a bit over the years. The wide spread of opinions is incredible, matched with the sole purpose by the passion of the activists on adjectives sides. This is an issue that few people are even able to hold a civilized discussion about. Complicating it further is that there are few that hold a black-and-white panorama of the issue. The majority of people in the US see abortion as a giant grey nouns with varying degrees of abortion considered suitable. Very few people hold the position of unlimited abortion access or no abortion under any circumstances. Below is the process I go through to come up with my position on the matter.

First, I asked myself the interview at what point does a human being obtain "personhood" and as such gain adjectives the legal and moral protections that status entitles them to? There are some who say that the point of personhood is 28 days AFTER birth, at which point you still should be allowed to abort. In certainty, there is a professor of ethics at Princeton University that actively advocate this position. This is the position that spurred “Born Alive” legislation that says if a woman has an abortion and the babe-in-arms survives, that doctors cannot withhold care and let the tot die on the operating table. Others say up to the point of birth. These folks, such as Barak Obama, would hold that this type of infanticide as well as partial birth abortion is a probable procedure. Or perhaps just beforehand while the mother is in labor. Or 6 months of gestation or 3 months or three weeks. I wrestled with this for a long time.

Then I looked at the issue a different channel. Does human life have an impute value or an intrinsic one? If we say that it is impute, meaning the value is derived from something else, some outside criteria, later any one of the above positions would be equally valid. We as a society would decide what criteria to select. My problem with this is what criteria do you use? On what idea is a baby at 6 weeks more valuable than a babe at 5 weeks? Is a baby that has not but developed a heart still a baby? This hit really hard on my wife and I when we lost one of our children. Lynne have a miscarriage a few years ago. When people with strong pro-choice sentiments give us their condolences, they referred to the fetus as a child, even though she (we named her Grace, even though we do not know for sure if she was a she or a he. It made it easier to explain to the other children what happen and easier for Lynne and I to grieve our loss) was at the same gestational point, 9 weeks, that they believed abortion be merely removing some unwanted tissue of the mother. So, the criteria used is whether or not a child is wanted? If that is so, afterwards why? The characteristics of an object of any sort are not contingent on another persons belief for perception.

By similar logic, if the efficacy of human life is imputed, it can also be taken away, depending on what some individual or group of persons believe that life is worth. So if you ensue to be mentally retarded or black or Jewish, it would be perfectly reasonable for you to be kill off for the good of the community if they believe it. I hold a friend who is paralyzed from the neck down and constantly in strain. There are some in the world who would look at her and say that she have no quality of life or that the money and application to support her would be better used on others. They would have her die due to her handicap. But knowing her the way I do I find the notion that she is minus a quality of life to be ridiculous on its obverse. She is a writer, a painter, a social worker, and heads up an international charity. I’d call that a pretty apt quality of life. So would her husband who married her years after her stroke of luck put her in the wheelchair. Thus, the imputed appeal logic is shown to me to be completely arbitrary. Following any of the “prior to this point it is not human but at this one on it is” positions is likewise arbitrary and is not able to answer the cross-examine of personhood.

But consider the proposition that human life has an intrinsic appeal. That it is valuable simply because it is human life and no other foundation. No measure or quantification of the value of it, it is and specifically enough. It is sort of like gold ingots. Gold is valuable because it is gold, not because we as a society stood up in the future and said, “we are going to make gold valuable”. Gold have an intrinsic value as opposed to an impute value, such as paper currency. Paper currency is worthless contained by and of itself. It has value simply because we say it has a unmistaken value.

This position then would support a clear dash between human life and not human life. With this position, you are a human at the point that you enjoy a unique genetic code. In other words, at conception. Prior to that, there be no “you”. The male and female reproductive components contained by and of themselves are not a unique genetic code, but merely parts of the donors. It is only when they combine to create clean life do “you” begin to be a creature.

The notion of intrinsic value also carries forward throughout go. My mother-in-law was on dialysis for several months before diabetes finally took her vivacity. There are many who would have said that she should a moment ago die and not burden the rest of us. If those persons held the position that human life have imputed value, I can read. I however, believe that human life is intrinsically valuable and worth preserving and protecting for as long as possible. Thus, we should protect existence at the beginning and at the end and at adjectives points in between. That is why we continued to get her to dialysis until the daytime she finally passed away.

So, we come full circle back to the question of abortion. Should it be outlawed? My answer, since I believe within the intrinsic value of human life, is that for the most part of the pack it should. Why only “for the most part”? Because there are times when you own to weigh the life of two humans and pick one to live and one to die. My sister-in-law faced such a problem once. She get pregnant from her husband and it turned out to be a tubal pregnancy. Had the child been allowed to grow inside of her, it would have kill her before the baby would enjoy been able to survive on its own. Thus, contained by weighing these two lives, one would have to verbs that the baby would have to die within order to save the mother’s time. What about cases of rape or incest? I have 5 daughters (yes, that be no typo) and the thought of one of them being raped is always lurking within the back of my mind. Statistically speaking, at least one of them will be past they graduate from college. If one of them should get pregnant as a result, the hard edict would be to let that child live. Pregnancy is not the extremely dangerous event of yesteryear. Rarely do people die from giving birth. Many more die as a result of complications after an abortion. But the bottom line is that the child is innocent of any crime, so why punish it? It is a human human being of intrinsic value. I’m not saying it is an effortless choice and I can certainly sympathize with those who enjoy had to make it. Perhaps they even made the wrong choice. But, God is a loving and forgiving God, who can even forgive the taking of a human time. Which is what abortion is.

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