The mini pill...give somebody the third degree?


I just started my mid-year break and my friend invited me to the coast for a week. The problem is i am spose to gain my period that week...and i told her thats why i'm reluctant to move about...she told me about the mini pill.

She said she took it while she be overseas for two weeks, because she didn't want to have to verbs about it and could a moment ago travel around. She said it stops your period for as long as you lug it but after you stop taking them your periods go and get irregular for awhile.

I was a moment ago wondering, is it worth seeing my doctor about taking the mini pill for a week, or should i newly wear tampons?

Thanks in credit.

My breast?

If you are not going to stay on the birth control pill, I would not recommend taking them. You will mess with your hormone level and have inconvenient bleeding subsequent on. Just wear tampons.

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