How long until i see results??

i`ve been going to curves for 3 weeks presently and lost only 3 pounds !
i be wondering how long until i can see physical results?

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If you are consistently working out and drinking heathily you are on the right track. Working out builds muscle while burning fat. Muscle is certainly heavier then muscle so whilst you are burning curvy and getting slimmer/more toned you might not see a big weight difference. Also you should be aiming for 1-2 pounds a week anyways. This is considered clean weight lost which contained by the long term is thought to be easier to maintain off. Healthy lifestyle change versus starving yourself. Keep it up and worthy luck.

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Women only: "Period talk"I entail some advice.?

Give it time. It's untimely days yet.

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Keep it up. 1 pound a week is a good rate for counterbalance loss. Don't get impatient because that will end your chances of sticking next to it.

im 25 and i have not goten my length what do i do?

The max amount of weight you can undamagingly lose is 2lbs a week so 6lbs is the max you should have lost surrounded by three weeks. So 3lbs is good but it could of late be water shipment as well. There is other stuff you can device like your waist size. It take time to lose weight a short time ago like it take time to gain. I am certain the relations at curves should be able to dispense you some tips how to monitor your progress.

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well, are you dieting too? Because maybe the exercise isnt ample (sorry, I dont know what curves is, I just assume its a gym). If you work out and build muscle, the fleshy that is still on your body will cover up it unless you get rid of the tubby too... so make sure you do cardio, not only just muscle building stuff.

And it all depends on how much you weigh initially and what your history is in language of health. Like if you used to exercise deeply a couple of years ago, but then stopped, it will be much easier to take looking slim again because of the muscle/fat cell memory... but if you are just trying to loose weight/tone up for the first time it will be harder.

So I dont know EXACTLEY when you will start seeing results because it adjectives depends on the person. It is strange to me though because the those I have set who were really overweight lost A TON of weight when they first started exercising, and later not so much weight after they get into it a little more.

Just dont make a contribution up! 3 pounds in 3 weks does come across like nought at all, so possibly talk to a professional.

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Don't be discouraged. Three pounds is apposite, measure your waist, arms, thighs, etc.. Also dont forget that muscle may be forming/ getting stronger beside your new workouts

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