Ladies, do you have any secrets for making sure you look "pretty" the next morning?

I'm going to be spending the night at my b/f's place tonight. It will be the first time I ever spent the night at a guy's place (I am 25 but slightly inexperienced sexually).

Anyway, like greatly of people, I look resembling crap when I wake up surrounded by the morning, and I am wondering if there are any secret out there to look clad for a guy I really like and don't want to "panic off" lol...

But at the same time, I dont want to simply set my cell phone to alarm, wake up up before him and bring all done up because that will look too explicit, I want to look cute, but in a innate way, so it doesnt look close to I put alot of thought and effort into it (even tho I

And I know adjectives about the proposition of, if he really loves you, he wont care what u look approaching, or just be urself...etc. I beleive adjectives that, but I still want to do my best to look pretty, I'm sure u can all have a handle on that :-)

Any suggestions are very appreciated! Thanks :-)

I hear that if you shower when your on your.?

Get up early until that time him.. and look proper ..

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wash your facade before going to bed. smeared mascara in the eye goo is def. not attractive!!

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To tell the truth, nobody looks accurate when they wake up surrounded by the morning. Make sure you wake up up to that time him, and when you do, don't look at him, just pace out the bedroom and into the bathroom. Apply some toner and this makes your frontage appear smooth and shiny, and stops you looking tired. Also, before doing that, splash your facade & eyes with cold hose to wake up your facial muscles. =)

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I suggest that you steal ur make-up sour as panda eyes and dirty pillows are a no no, splash with cold wet and moisturise really well, when you stir up tousle your hair give or take a few a bit and pinch your cheeks for colour, and smile

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don't sweat the looks so much but you may keep an altoids subsequent to the bed and clean out the eyes right bad. Also, if you wake him up near a hummer, he won't care how you look.

Major problem!!?

Make sure you rinse your face the darkness before, so no pimples will pop up to vote good morning. Also, if you enjoy really thick and course down, avoid washing it formerly going to bed, because it will dry and puff up big and unmanageable. When you wake up, you can kind-heartedly squeeze your cheeks to bring color.

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im not a girl, but my gf's have across the world avoided a lot of makeup the dark before as it prolly smears and other impossible stuff. bring a hair tie so you can tie your spine back when you guys are doing your item and it doesnt get within the way too much, it also help you avoid the "sex hair" look a bit. besides that just brand name sure u don't sleep with your obverse smothered into the pillow or anything like that and you will still look cute within the morning, and he will probably still be happy from closing night so he really will newly be happy you're at hand at all

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before you shift to sleep make sure you hose off any makeup put your pelt in a ponytail or braid and rinse ur mouth beside listerene or scope brush ur teeth and tounge moral and re rinse ur mouth in the morning you should look ok and you shouldnt have morning breath. GL and dont verbs to much guys dont look much better in the morning any LOL and if he is that obsessed next to looks do u really want him?

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Although I have never done this calculated to look cute in the morning conceivably this will help you. I shower previously I got to bed and stir to bed with my coat wet. I put some Sunsilk anti-poof cream within it and wear it down. By the morning it has dried into a mass of soft curls around me on the pillow. Plus in the shower you are wash your makeup off so you wont get up up with smudged mascara or something. Or you could sleep in one of his t-shirts because it looks cute and sexy at matching time and the guy will like you surrounded by it.

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well i was going to utter dont wash your obverse if you like to wear makeup, a moment ago dont wear alot, because yes it will get smeared so you dont want a black chain down your face lookin close to KISS, but if its smeared around your eye thats fine that happens during sex anyway... your coat doesnt matter messed up coat is sexy, but brush your teeth and listerine before bed, perchance keep some mints by the bed for the morning, resembling you said he should like you for you. but its flawless to put effort into your relationship, i other make sure i look wearing clothes when my man sees me, except morning as you would expect, we have be together six years he has see me at my worse.

Dos spel chec rily wurk?

Don't take your mascara off, from the concluding night. But if you don't wear much structure, just run to the sink in the morning, and splash some cold marine on your face, and put a weakly colored chapstick on your lips, you'll look pretty, but not adjectives done up. Also if you have brown eyelashes, you can simply put on a little bit of mascara to fashion them pop! Hopefully you look great in the morning, love,


Only for exp girls n women.?

LISTEN CAREFULLY SWEET THANG...OK for one, your pelt if you have long curls try and wear in a pony tail or braid so your fleece is not all over the place.for two your obverse, clean it really ably before sleeping...WEAR NO MAKE-UP to bed! that'll really terrify him in the three brush teeth really perfect before bed and hold a mint ready bedside contained by morning lol.breathe can kick sometime and if you don't want him to be kicked next that is best...also try and take a bottle of water contained by bag and confer on it bedside too,..cause you can own a dry mouth too and when you try and talk it will not look so HOT., Four I suggest wearing something cute and discreet, but if your going for the sexy thing create sure you are comfortable enough to wear but sleep within as well..or wear nought lol.get him suitable if that is your intention =)
DO NOT WET HAIR in the past sleeping for that will dry and look crazy too!
paint them TOES.and get some lotion on that body! nice smellin' lotions work beside far as waking up since him 2 get dolled up for him, he might approaching that!
but don't go to extreme, be yourself and know if he like you it is not for your looks him other things to be interested could get some coco fudge and sleep contained by but hey what the hell your gonna make him delight in himself right momma so do your thing and you'll be fine!
as far as other secret to do...i can't include here cause everyone will know =) mine adjectives mine...much love sweetie and hope you have a wonderful dark with your special man!

Im 14, ive have 2 periods and i havent have nomore?

I would like to enjoy tattoo eye liner and maybe lip color but done next to a light paw,,,,,,,i think that would work , and a GOOD hackle cut. that should do it and it would always be near.


dont do your makeup real big that night.otherwise you will wake up up looking even worse due to mascara all over the place ect..i say-so pull your spike back into a pony right up to that time going to sleep so its not all hole in the ground man like the subsequent day lol and thats satisfactory if you wake up and carry all in position you will seem similar to a freak hiding something really will be fine im sure its not that fruitless

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