I have a friend who has an odor problem?

she takes bathe and douches and drinks cranberry juice and still own an fish smell is there any home remidies.

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Fishy odor is a sign of an STD. She wishes to see her doctor.

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she might try douching near a 1% hydrogen peroxide solution.

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She should see a doctor.

I haven't had my extent in close to 8 weeks, is that badand i haven't had sex, i dont meditate i have is it doomed to failure?

It sounds like she have to be seen by a gynocologist.

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If you are referring to her "reproductive area" it may be that she have an infection. She should see a doctor.

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Vick's Vapor Rub seems to know how to cure anything, at least according to NPR.

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She might hold something in there? I've hear alot of weird stories. Check beside her Dr.

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it's the douch just don't do it! It's unpromising for you anyway!
and if it still a problem keep a log of what you eat/drink!
and perceive the differnce smells your body produces!
Good luck
Mad luv


Drink lots of fluids and avoid eating meat for a while.

my foot are smelling bad!?

Your friend beyond a shadow of a doubt has a yeast infection and wishes medication which she can get over the counter.Monistat, etc. Douching will not cure this problem.

girlys solitary?

She could have trichinosis (it is a vaginal issue that have no real symptoms but for the Oder which get worse and worse) Three pills and it is gone. It is common so return with her to the gyn. (that is just my opinion)

long period?

She needs to verbalize to her Dr. She could have something in her diet specifically causing it. Does she use a deodorant? There are deodorant wipe for women she can use. Maybe she needs to adaptation her brand of douche or use it more often.

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your friend shares this with you?

anyway, she could hold a serious bacteria growth and requests to be treated by a doctor to solve the issue permanently.

this is an embarrasing personal issue, I would trust the professionals near it before anyone next to another home remedy..

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OH MY! I dream up you should tell your girlfriend to be in motion visit a gynecologist. There something else going on down here. I know this because my girlfriend was have the same issues and she go to the doctor and she had gonorrhea and she didn't even know it. The doctor told her she be red a beet.

Tell your friend to check it out.

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maybe u should hold her see a doctor, this could be serious. be there for her.

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That depends on what type of odor you are talking almost. Since you mention douches, I assume you mean vaginal. There are some ladies whose body chemistry is such that this is commonplace. She should consult her gynecologist anyway to be certain nearby is no medical problem or infection. There are also some scented or flavored lubricants that you can buy that may facilitate.

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A fishy smell is NOT good. She requests to see her gyn ASAP..Sounds like an STD or vaganitis. Have her check the URL I've paste below.The bottom line is she wishes to see a doc ASAP! Home remedies wont help.

Im 14, ive have 2 periods and i havent have nomore?

The best advice would be to walk see an OB/GYN. It could be as simple as a yeast infection or something much worse. One thing she can do in the meantime is to convert her diet. More veggies, less red meat. Lots of river and DON'T douche so much! That in itself can produce an infection! Your body needs some of the untaught fluids it produces to keep out infections. Also I know it sounds chance, but her laundry detergent can cause problems for her to. Have her try shifting to a different one for a while.

I have two question! they both have to do near my stupid period..?

have you see the video or heard the song Tina Turner did next to Eros Ramazotti? Nice!

Boy Problems!?

This is soooo gross, I can't even tell you, do you smell it, or does she detail you? Tell her to get her funky "self" to her ob-gyn!!

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