Please give me good advise!?

I have a problem next to my appetite.After i have pass birth to my child i have lost my counterbalance i was 60 kg and immediately iam 45kg iam very skiny and i really want to gain my weightiness .but how i have no perception ,i have no appetite at adjectives i can eat just ones a day ( iam smoking) but i own quit for a mounth and it was one and the same i have no appitite contained by this 1 mounth.

About my body?

My doctor recommended a daily milk shake containing fruit (berries are good), milk, rime cream...and a raw egg.sounds yucky but they are high-ranking in tough fats and nuitrients.
Eat plenty of carbs close to pasta, rice, potatoes...anything contain grain.
Take a right vitamin suppliment.
Try a shake mix like sustagen ( It help ensure you get the energy/nuitrients you entail.Actually I am in Australia, and I dont know if you can attain it overseas. But go to a pharmacy and ask for glorious protein/energy shakes. They REALLY help.
Best of luck, I know how it feel to be in your situation.

I hold a solid cyst on my ovary waiting for a dr appt. but in the mean would love to know more gratitude?

Try exercising. I did that when I want to gain weight end time. I used to be very skinny at 36kg individual.


What could this be?

wow Ur skinny do u want some of my fat I'm not curvy to my boyfriend but i am to me

When your boobs start growing does that me you have freshly started puberty?

You need to stop smoking. Try to fours your self to get through Little but for whole sunshine try it for a week but for that you need to stop smoking its difficult but you hold to think what most vital to you your health or etc ...I yearning you good spirit to stop smoking ..

I'm looking for the best plastic surgeon in the Los Angeles nouns.looking to get Lipo and a Nose Job.?

take prenatal vitamins

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