I was thinking about having a breast lift or reduction?

I spoke with my GP who wasnt outstandingly helpful, said he didnt know much give or take a few it and would refer me to plastic surgeon but I've been rear twice now and still he have'nt refered me? what can I do?

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Hi i know im a bit late answering your questin but here go!

I had a breast decrease 18 months ago. The first time i went to the doctors he be horrible to me and said it was adjectives in my chief and that i didnt really need the surgery.

But i go back again complained going on for my pain and discomfort and he refered me privately. However it cost me lb150 newly for an hours consultation and he said it would cost me lb6000.

I have worked adjectives my life and rewarded all my national insurance so why shouldt i be capable of have the surgery on the NHS.

So again i go back to my doctor and asked him to refer me on the NHS, but he said no!

So i kep on going final till i got what i looked-for! I also felt a bit silly but who care what he thinks! So within the end he did refere me and i wait 9 months for my op!

Best thing i ever done contained by my life and i would do it adjectives again if i had to. Ive have no problems and have heal extremely well. You can just see my scars.

Good luck, and if you call for any more advice agree to me know.


How long does it take to recuperate from a hysterectomy?

Just call him. Explain you want to procure this done in a timely mode.

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Tell him you are serious and would like a referral. Call put money on in 2 weeks to check on the referral. Keep bugging the bureau until it happens.

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I can impart you a temporary breast erect, but it will go posterior to its original place when I remove my hand from them.


Getting plastic surgery on the NHS takes sooo long lol. A mate of mine have a reduction on the NHS and it took her nearly a year to seize her operation. I had a cyst surrounded by my upper lip and it took me a few months before they could remove it. I didn't move about for a consultation for that - had that on the afternoon really lol. Is it worth trying another doctor?

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Is the lift or narrowing for medical or cosmetic reasons. Medical as within your breasts are giving you health problems similar to they're hurting your back. If it's for cosmetic reason then your GP is probably have trouble finding one. My suggestion, just walk to the American Board of Plastic Surgeons website and find a plastic surgeon in your area.

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have you thought seriously roughly speaking this girl not meaning to nouns patronising sorry,
I sympathise with you totally I've be there thought something like it but never actually gone through near it I'm a 34g but have be as big as a 38j scary.lol
This is most important surgery if you have a tightening it's not cosmetic cos they actually embezzle tissue from your body and there's no guarantees that it'll work,
I have a friend who was bigger than me they made her lose substance before they'd consider it so she struggled to lose one and only about2stone if that then they did it...
That right you guessed it she's put substance back on a couple of years down the queue and her boobies are bigger than they were in the past and she's got unsightly scars to boot
shift out there girl find yourself some decent fitting pretty bra's avoid balconette bra's close to the plague try m&s or a decent department store, quality good going on for yourself you don't have to flaunt them but beside the right fitting bra you can turn heads short getting leered at hope this helps make available it some serious thought though and be proud of who you are ;-)

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NHS doctors are TERRIBLE at referring patients who want breast reduction to a plastic surgeon. it is totally down to each individual doctor as to whether or not u catch referred. i've been reading in the region of it in a UK mag call Take a Break... they are running a campaign to grasp large breasted women taken more seriously by their GP's. it feature one poor woman who'd been turned down for surgery by her doctor, even though she be a 36N ! funnily enough, after they run her story, she was offered a breast weakening on the NHS. all u can do is hold on requesting this on a regular basis.. they will steal u more seriously if u put across the problems your breasts are causing u... both physical and mental.... if u still hold no luck, go see a different doctor, or try to finds out how much the operation would cost if u be to go privately... it might be quicker to retrieve for it than to wait on the NHS detail.

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Call him everyday until he gets tired of you and finally recommend you a PS.

If he is not moving fast satisfactory for you try talking to another entity to get you a suggestion (I don't know how NHS works).

The scars are not as horrible as some speak they are. Its been one year for me and my scar are 95% gone. Its all contained by how the doctor is and how you treat them after surgery. Make sure you look at as many back and after photos as possible, and take it into consideration how long after surgery the pictures are (scars help yourself to up to a year to fade).

Your breasts MAY get bigger contained by the future, acquirement weight and pregnancy are the big issues. When you confer with the PS brand sure both of you take that into article if you don't want them getting bigger

Good luck in your journey, I go through mine Feb 2006 (38J to 38C). This site below helped me out a LOT back and after my surgery, please check it out because it has a ton of information for you.


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Mr Simon Kay is a surgeon next to an international reputation (he specialised in reconstructing hands) and a "special interest" in breast surgery. The man is an artist. I don't own a number for him but if you search on the internet you will find him. he is base in Leeds.

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