Pain contained by stomach...necessitate support.?

My husband and I have been TTC for a month presently, and this time around, I was 3 days late. Of course, I thought I since I be late, then it be a possibility of me being pregnant. Well, little miss AF came to call round after 3 days late. Now, ever since I started I figured some cramping would be conventional, but now after 3 days of my period I still own this bloating pain as if I have to travel Number 2 or pass a ton of gas! It's painful to touch and to cough. It have decreased in cramp a little today, but it's still painful. Any suggestions? Should I appropriate a laxative? It's a constent pain too, not like cramps be they come hard and then travel away. Anyone gone through this? HELP!

For Ladies-What is your worst behavior while have PMS?

There are a number of possibilities for what could be causing this such as a virus (an example only) or something close to endometriosis (another example only).

I would recommend seeing your doctor for further evaluation of the situation to see what they think could be going on.

Really entail a answer, sudden !?

I've be depressed lately?
Thats compassionate of unnatural?
Fourth week of Birth Control Pills?
  • Pain contained by lower tummy?
  • Period be in arrears..?!??

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