For Girls Only!! Have you had a abnormal pap smear?

My doctor just call me this morning telling me it come back nonstandard and that I have to turn back contained by again. I am a little worried, I hold been getting my paps since I be 18 never had a problem, very soon I'm 26. Help!
If you had a extraordinary pap what would you do in my situation to stay collected.

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I had an remarkable pap! Hey you are going to be fine. Sometimes it doesn't mean anything. Actually it doesn't mingy anything more often than it does. And if you own had regular Pap's since you be 18 then the possibility of it being something fear-provoking is really low. It could be mild dysplasia, which can be taken care of. You don't carry cervical cancer overnight.

I had mild dysplasia and it be taken care of. And I enjoy been fit ever since. It's normal.

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i have my first abnormal pap two months ago. i be frantic. please do go for the follow up exam. turned out i have dysplasia, precancerous cells cause by HPV. none of which i would have particular i had. i am a frantic party, and have have to take this year by day. still dont know the result as to wether or not adjectives my bad cell were removed. it is of utmost stress that you follow up with this. recount your ob that you want to have an appt asap, so he can explain this. it may be nil at all.

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they did that to me once they said they just lost the results and have to get strange ones.

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I own had 2 within my lifetime and almost every woman will have an peculiar pap at one point in her life. To stay quiet think of what I merely typed that almost every woman has an atypical pap at least once surrounded by their lifetime. Since not all in attendance women have cancer that should inform you that it is not always serious. My closing abnormal be do to a severe cervix inflammation which responded to creams. My first one was long ago and I have an idiot doc back next so I can't tell you more on that one as she froze my cervix short ever sending me to be evaluated by a GYN.

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I had one something like 15 years ago. I know it worries you because you have to linger to go wager on to the doctor to find out what it is. It could be something as minor as the lab just couldn't read the taster. With me, I had pre-cancerous cell on my cervix. A biopsy was done, in recent times to be sure. The tissue was benign, but the desperate cells needed to be destroyed to assure they wouldn't develop into cancer.

At that time, near were two procedures. One involved adjectives out part of the cervix. I be told that is what my doctor preferred and I said no track, I am getting a second opinion. Sure plenty, I found a doctor that used a procedure of freezing the cells. After that I have to have paps every 6 months for 2 years. Then posterior to the once a year schedule. Have be fine ever since.

Don't get yourself worked up. Stay silent, it could be ANYTHING. Abnormal doesn't necessarily mean discouraging.

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I have an abnormal pap final year. Turns out I had HPV, the benign that causes cervical cancer. I freaked out. I cried the unbroken way home. By the time I get home I calmed down, I researched it on-line. I had to turn back and enjoy cryo surgery (not as bad as I expected). I later had to return approaching 2 months later to brand sure that they got it adjectives. That smear came support ok. Now that I had a average one I still have to shift back every 4 months for the subsequent 2 years to make sure everything stays ok. Don't freak out newly yet though. Pap smears can come vertebrae "abnormal" for several different reasons. The preview could have in recent times been contaminated or you could be getting a yeast infection. Take a wide breath and just be indebted that you go on a regular starting place and if there is anything wrong they hold probably caught it in time. Best wishes, Good Luck!!

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