i'm worried?

my period is 4 days delayed.. i'm in college. i preserve thinking i'm gonna start but it doesnt.. on my side and low in my stomach it'll ache for a time like a dull ach afterwards go away. and my boss hurts and i've had the munchies. and im have an outbreak of acne.. what does every one else do b4 they start..

Are American Women having trouble next to their bodies ?

i get seriously of acne like 3 days past i start. do you think your PG? hold you always be on time up until in a minute? if so take a oral exam and see what it says. perfect luck

Can people beside Anorexia hide their mental sickness?They seem norm?

Are you really stressed? If I'm really stressed, I'll miss mine completely.

What is a the best type of birth control?

That method get a exam or go to the Dr. That's the single way you are gonna know for sure! Don't sit in that and worry yourself receive up and go do it!! Good Luck!

Is it everyday to have cramps after you enjoy your period?

That caring of happened to me. It be because I was stressed.

What could prove?

if you have be stressed out , over tired , depressed . tension . any can exact you to be late and sometimes it is lately a normal entity women do . acne is common.stomach throbbing may be from being unsettled. the rest is common stuff .

Appreciate your facilitate ladies.?

Sounds to me like it could be the flu or stress delay your period. Are you in general on time respectively month? Do you have breakouts on instant or all the time? This is not medical counsel, as I'm not a doctor. I am a mother of 2. Please go see a doctor so you can perceive better, and better about yourself.

Do period often come belatedly or early?

Stress. Just be primed.

How can you tell if you are run down surrounded by yourself ?

Sounds like it's a short time ago stress. 4 days isn't really a long time. try to relax and calm down.

Since you use both a condom and withdrawl method (I'm assuming at alike time and not seperately), it's highly unlikely that you'd be pregnant. Also, since you said that your affianced and that it would really matter if your pregnant, don't verbs about it. Your fine.

Once you've relaxed, it will probably start when you smallest expect it.

Umm this is a really strange question but I requirement an answer for my friend.?


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