Pain on both ovaries but not on ovulation light of day?

For the 28 days cycle of mine, I should have ovulated on the 20th.. Today is the 24th and I am have pain on both sides of my uterus.. It is strong!! I am here at work sitting and surrounded by pain

What would that be?? it's both sides!! but the gone side hurts more than the other one and I feel bloated
I am anxious that it is an infection?? or cysts?

help please

Answers:    be calm infection comes suddenly with niggle and no fever .and from time to time we can find bilateral ovarian cysts causing anguish at the same the most probably diagnosis is one of three which are adjectives easy to treat. the first , it`s the premenstrual syndrome which subside beside the first day of the spell.secondly this pain is due to some urate graveles ratification through the ureters,the third cause is purely simply some colonic colics . the three causes are releaved by the over counter analgesics and antispasmodics.don`t frenzy
its probably cysts, i had indistinguishable thing final week. they probably burst, and that is the cramp u are feeling. Mine feel the exact same way when that happen. it also hurt worse when i moved. it should be gone in roughly 2 or 3 days. if not move about see your doctor.

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