Can I own sex?

I just have a baby four weeks ago, do my husband and I really own to wait 6 weeks to hold sex? Can it hurt anything?

Answers:    your cervix is still too soft for sex. the penis could injure it. thats why the healing time is a full six weeks.
You can gain a pelvic infection. It happened to my former sister-in-law. There are other ways to please respectively other. I agree with Britton but later again it is totally up to you!
The main foundation is to let the episiotomy alleviate. The little slice they make to unseal the birth canal surrounded by advance to avoid tear.
Sex too soon will just opening it back enlarge, and it will not heal properly as a rupture, instead of a precise cut. Basically, it is smarter to wait two more weeks until you are fully heal. There are other ways to have mutual orgasms, use them. If you don't, sex could in truth become painful for you for a terribly long time. If you are no longer bleeding, then yes you could hold sex. However, you are still at risk of infection and the tissues may not have completely heal. You would also need to use a condom as birth control, and the spermicide might rationale you some irritation problems. It really is best to give your body the six full weeks of recouperation time, but in attendance are many who don't and don't own a problem. There are also those who do and find themselves pregnant again. Back to back pregnancy is thorny on you and the second baby. There are other ways of giving and recieving pleasure excluding penetration intercourse, and I would rouse you to try those instead- at least until your checkup surrounded by two more weeks. But if you are determined to do it, be sure to take precautions. Also enjoy plenty of lubricant on hand, as you will probably inevitability it.
go oral. Yes, you want to keep on. The word that explains this is "Ow!" Things are still healing. You don't want to spoil things before your body is geared up.
My first husband (who was unbelievably abusive) forced himself on me before I be completely healed and I be in screaming discomfort for hours afterwards. Although I trust your husband is not a jerk and would be meek with you, I still strongly suggest that if you're going to be sexual, withhold from intercourse and wait for your body to be fully organized. In times like these, mutual masturbation can be a moment ago as wonderful.
i had sex three weeks after but i have a csection but u can try it and if it hurts u just stop and try again it 2 weeks or whenever u discern u are ready

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