I don't think my baby is getting enough milk from me? Can I also give her some formula?


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First of adjectives what makes you consider the baby isn't getting plenty? is the baby still fussy after feedings? You can make a contribution both but breast milk is the best.

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yes you can. you can allways try using formula,or you can try pumping breast milk.I enjoy four kids take my word for it.Or you can ask your infant's doc. Good luck.


Please do! There have be cases of babies dying because some determined mothers would not give supplemental feedings. They stipulation that bottle after they have nursed.

Female interrogate?

absolutely ok to supplement with formula. You may own to try a few different ones at first to find the right one. Good Luck!

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Not one of these people have given proper advice! Be hard-working who you listen to! You should consult the pediatrician. If your baby is have 6-8 wet diapers a hours of daylight, and is gaining mass, they are getting enough. If you longing to breastfeed, it is counterproductive to give supplements. You will grow less your milk supply. Put baby to the breast more habitually, and do not offer supplements. NO babies own ever died because a breastfeeding mom did not give them formula! It really upsets me when general public lie and claim to be condition care professionals on this site. Much of the warning proves this not to be the case, and can be dodgy in tons cases. Consult the baby's pediatrician. If you are breastfeeding and concerned, you can bring them in every two days for a immensity check without an appointment. The best of luck to you.

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Yes you can. Also, another suggestion. If you think you are not producing plenty milk, why don't you use an electric pump? They are so easy and better to use. Some dutiful ones are painless too. I used it for each of my three pregnancies.

I other knew how much I be producing and you can always freeze the rest and use it next. If you do that though make sure you don't heat it in the microwave or stove top because you'll be slaughter all the nutrients. You obligation to run the bag of cold or frozen breast milk through heat water.

Has anyone out in attendance ever had a cyst contained by their breast?

Talk with your pediatrician give or take a few this. Do they think here is a problem? Are you eating something specifically making the baby fussy? Is babe going through a growth spurt and eating more? They do that to increase milk production for growth spurts.You can supply formula..but that can cause nipple frustration and sometimes they will stop nursing..if you're not sure contact your local La Leche League for more information.they are a wonderful source of assist for nursing mothers. www.lalecheleague.com

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