Girls... yr first time getting...?
and if you werent (most of it was shaved but not adjectives of it) did the guy find it gross?
ahh i really need to know :D
Answers: well when i first get fingered i had a landing strip or a strip of spike all the way down and the guy wasnt really attracted to it but i would really suggest trimming up cause most of my guy friends have talk about hating to do things near a woman to who is hairy down there
Why am i horny when on my time when it's over i'm not ?
I have just a tiny bit on top... called the chinese mustache. lol.The guy thought it be hot, and fingered the heck outta it, and then he went down on me and started licking it. :P
My mother is diabetic and I requirement facilitate?
No and no. Unless there's a forest, I've never agreed a guy to care. Trim if you're worried but there's no need to shave down to nought unless you really want to.Back in my day, most women didn't shave. Didn't bother the guy I be with. Hasn't bother any of them since either.
trim it atleast. they dont really prudence.
It all depends on the guy. Some like it, and some don't.
Help bump!?
Just get my implanon...?