Shameful private... inevitability give support to please!?

My best friend shared to me a very shameful secret and I really want to minister to her since that secret has be very distractive in her go.

ok... uhm, her so-called ' singit ' and lower vagina are dark. Shes quite impartial so when you look to it, its obviously darker. "Its such a shame!", she told me. and I agree to her near that. I mean, for several reasons, to be precise indeed shameful. Like, how can you wear bikinis? or how would you make love to your boyfriend if your so depressed about have those dark 'singit' that you wont be able to fetch a lights on sex?

So, could you guys give me a product that could lighten her complexion surrounded by that part of her body?
..a product that really works. and if possible, support that beside scientific information please.

Need your help. ^_^

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explicitly in NO WAY shameful. she should love her body for what it is and you shouldn't think any smaller number of her for it either. what do you think general public with giant birthmarks on their FACES do? people shouldn't look down on them for the opening they look. first of all, wearing a bikini should not show her vaginal areas. and as for guys... they don't care. you'd hold to search pretty hard for a guy who give a crap if it's darker down there. and if they do effort, she's got the wrong guy.

if you're still so superficial that you think so poorly roughly speaking your friend's NATURAL skin and she still feels uncomfortable nearly it even though there is NOTHING shameful AT ALL about it, explain to her to go to her doctor and ask. that's the only track to be completely safe. they can send her to a moral dermatologist who can help.

since i don't think that anything i can read aloud will change your mind and i know it's important to discern comfortable with your body, i'll try to help anyway: is a lightening gel made specifically for "sensitive areas".

that should do her fine. if it doesn't regulation, tell her to see her doctor and ask about something more professional. breed sure whatever cream you choose doesn't have hydroquinone and kojic bitter; they can result in severe side effects. most vaginal creams have these contained by them, so make sure to look at the ingredients! once she starts bleaching, she needs to follow a strict model of hygiene. don't forget to wash thoroughly and wipe the chemicals inside out.

you can also call your local tanning/waxing salon and ask if they do vaginal bleaching, but that's a little more awkward than putting a cream on by yourself.

first and foremost, you need to be a dutiful friend and tell her it doesn't matter if she's dark down there! if she still feels humiliated, THEN tell her these things.

good luck and i hope anything she does, she can finally love her body!

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There is nothing that will change peroxide the color of the skin that can be bought over the counter. Your friend will have to speak to a local doctor about a bleaching cream applied by the doctor.

Your friend should not be so concerned over a slight discoloration of the skin contained by that area. Most women's vagina's are slightly darker. But again if this is a problem to her, she wants to go to a doctor and explain her concern to the doctor.

There is absolutely zilch shameful about it.

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umm what is a singit? I don't really think it will be that much of a problem. First of adjectives her bikini shouldn't be showing any of her vaginal area and during sex, it probably won't be that distracting, worse case scenario-turn the lights bad. She might try some of that cream that lightens stretch marks and stuff.
By the way this isn't shameful. A shameful stealthy would be her being hurt or abused by somebody or something else serious, not something shallow as this.

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This is not shameful for one thing... don't agree near her on that. Reassure her that everyone looks different in some way or another down near. I had a similar problem: I thought the skin over my Clitorus hung down too far. So, as embarrassing as it be I asked my gynecologist. And she talked openly to me going on for it and made sure I knew it was usual. I would definitely suggest she go see a gyno and a moment ago ask blatantly. They don't get embarrassed just about stuff like that and who would know better? They look at different ones all afternoon every day.

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What guy would actually safekeeping? If he gets to see it at all, the color is really going to be the final thing on his mind. I understand just about the bikini problem, though. Copy and paste this link:

I googled it, and found this. Read adjectives of the entries, they have seriously helpful points of vista!

I started spotting 3 days beforehand any actual bleeding (pinkish-brownish)only when i wipe i saw blood.?

How is that shameful?? She shouldnt care what others think and it doesnt plan that her b/f want has sex with her unless its some compassionate of Std i wouldnt worry about is Trust me man a guy it wouldnt matter if she is white and her vigina is black if i love her it wouldnt matter

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This is not shameful... i can guarantee that millions of other individuals have the exact same darkness.
Some men resembling it btw..
If she is really bothered by it.. which i wouldnt be...there are some places that bleach the area for you.
but theres seriously no stipulation..
P.S you should be more supporting as a friend too!

I own be bleeding in a minute (period) for 12 days, it's really large and there's lots of clots?

Anything that you would put on your face etc to lighten skin could not be used on the sensitive skin of the vagina. And what the hell is a singit? And btw guys would not guardianship about something as trivial as that.

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yes! u know we all r disconcerted about dark insides!

seriously! a guy won't even prudence what color the thing is. why do u think they don't trademark products for it! as long as it's a vagina he won't care...seriously


What's shameful about it? It's only just skin - every person's body is different and there's no standard for how it "should" look. Why else would we all come in different colors and shades on the rest of our bodies? I can't create in your mind any man would really care all that much something like what shade the skin is - and if he does, he isn't worthy of your time or attention - or why you wouldn't be able to wear a bikini. Plus, that's an area I absolutely wouldn't want to put any harsh chemicals on, assuming that there is a product that would bring about the effect you're looking for. That's some very delicate skin and the potential for irritation or infection make it even less worth it.

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