What do the Dr.s do?

I am 38 weeks and my Dr. is going t check me to day for the first time to check my cervix and see if im dilating. I be wondering how they do that. is it like a pap smear or a pelvic exam, I know i nouns like a big kid ive just be having some aching down there and im worried nearly the pain

Yeah I know im gonna do really great with labor stomach-ache if an exam makes me tentative! lol

Does ASPIRIN TABLET has any effect on fertility ( when it is taken after sexual contact)?

he's gonna preserve a couple a fingers in your twat and feel the cervix.

Can I beside ?

He is going to give you a pelvic exam.
I'm sure you've have one before if you're 38 weeks.
If not, he will newly insert 2 fingers into the birth canal and consistency to see if your cervis is thinned out any.

You may feel some preasure but you shouldn't discern any pain.

Good luck and congrat's on the pregnancy!

What is your view on abortion? Serious answers please.?

The doctor will do a pelvic exam and push down on your belly to see if your cervix is starting to thin out and dilate. It can be somewhat uncomfortable but it is over rapid. The other thing contained by case your doctor forgets to narrate you you may have some bleeding after the exam and it is typical. You may want to wear a panty liner to be prepared. My doctor forgot to tell me and I be freaking out when I started bleeding. Good Luck and Congratulations!

Bleeding, when you break your virginity?

It is a little mortified. He is basically going to stick his fingers in and poke around your cervix.. It's not rough, but it is uncomfortable because you surface pressure. It is no where practical as bad as a pap smear though. And don't verbs, you don't sound similar to a big baby. All your ligaments and muscles are stretching right in a minute to prepare for that baby's arrival. You are entitled to whine a bit. Don't worry roughly the labor pain, if you are really upset ask for an epidural. I gave birth to my kids inbred and I am not going to lie, it hurt, but no where on earth near as doomed to failure as I was afraid it be going to be.
Congratulations and good luck!

Late term with Copper IUD?

If I remember correctly, forgive me it have been six years.

They put you on a table within the position as a normal exam.

I want to read out they stick there paw in within or a device and they tell you how copious centimeters. I don't remember what they stick down there since I wasn't competent to see past my belly. It is not sensitive and it lasts more or less two minutes. You will be fine...good luck and Congrats.

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