Can i still be infertile? necessitate to know?

Ok im 22 years old and i enjoy PCOS

I have be pregnant before once when i be 17, but aborted because of personal plea mainly because i be doing senior yr at school and i be having nearest and dearest issues and many other reason.

When i turned 20 i started getting my period from 2-3 months, mood swings, really doomed to failure pelvis pain and feel sick alot, i got checked and diagnosed beside PCOS, from 11-20yrs old, i have a normal extent.

Ive been told that it cant own anything to do with my abortion.

BUT i consistency like, i could be infertile very soon because well i enjoy alot of follicles (cysts) on my ovaries, they found one ovary enlarged with 15 follicles and one majority sized ovary with 25 follicles (cysts), my uterus is fine my fallopian tubes are fine but im wondering if i can in a minute be infertile.

OR if because ive been pregnant since i cant be infertile.

OR if you can become infertile even if youve been pregnant past.

I want to know these answers

Can someone please help me?


Answers:    I am going through infertility right immediately. The cysts are a good entry. They come off every month but the cycts is really apt. I dont have as frequent follicles as you do...( I wish) I am on meds to make me produce for follicles but within is nothing you should be worried more or less. If you feel that in attendance is something wrong then enjoy your doctor check it out... Good luck.
PCOS isnt suppose to cause you to become infertile near the right treatments.I was tested for that and asked my doctor them question .Abortion done the right way isnt suppose to basis you to become infertile either unless you hold been have problems with sure things after the abortion.PCOS isnt harmful unless untreated next it can cause serious problems near becomming pregnant...otherwise you can have a immensely healthy pregnancy even near pcos.

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