(Girls only) after sex..?

why does it feel approaching everything is leaking out?
i.e. peeing and wetness (including cumming [even when not have sex]) is this normal?

Answers:    yeah.unfortunately alot of the semen and lubrication juices etc, a moment ago have to come out.nowhere to dance!
So I'm not the only one that jump up and goes to the bathroom to freshen up after sex after!
Don't know how I used to do it when I was younger.jeans rear legs on, and on with the daylight!

Re your "even when not having sex bit.".vaginas are lately juicy.(some times more than others)..wear a pantyliner on days that it seem uncomfortable...
You should be adage "WOMEN ONLY"...And it feels similar to everything is leaking out because it is. (Ugh!! I abhorrence young family.) It depends. Are you using a condom or is he pulling out? If so, your own moisture is slowly leaking out of your body. Nothing is coming out of your urethra, so don't verbs about peeing. It is in fact almost physically impossible for a girl to pee seconds after she's orgasmed (unless you own a problem, in which luggage, talk to your doctor). There is a muscle that presses against your urethra that prevents you from doing this. Otherwise, it is newly the natural lubrication surrounded by your vagina leaking out. Gravity, newborn, gravity.
If your partner ejaculated inside of you, you've get your own lubrication and now his sperm leak out of you. That's a hell of a lot more than basically your own.
And it might feel approaching you're peeing because after sex, as the lubrication slowly leaks out of you, your labia minora get wet, and that's pretty much the portion of you that gets raining when you pee. When liquid touches the initial to your urethra, it feels close to you're peeing. Try it some time, you'll see that I'm right. Put just a couple of drops of sea on the skin right around your urethra. See if it doesn't feel approaching you peed a little.
where on earth do you think it go...to your brain??
obviously it have to come out!!
this is normal, you clearly, are not...holy man, tonight is the hours of darkness of dumb questions
I reason that its because of gravity. I'm not joking, or anything, but what go up, must come down, like when you stand up after lay down. Is this a question you own because you dont want it to leak out, or because you truly simply wanted to know? Are you ttc?

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