i have a broken blood vessel what should i do?


Breast lift?

Apply ICE over the eye globe of your affected eye, near the eye closed, for 5 to 10 minutes. Do not rub your eye and do not strain yourself unnecessarily. The blood that may have ooze out will be gone in 7 to 10 days.

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it will heal on its own.

im 25 and i hold not goten my period what do i do?

every time you find a bruise you have broken blood vessels

put some rime or a band aid on it is what you should do

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Why worry?

Am currently taking microgynon the pill can i also pocket Alchol with?

If your on a blood thinner see your doctor. If it looks really doomed to failure see your doctor.

Is it true?

a pooh

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it really depends on where on earth the broken blood vessel is.

OH! If it is on the white of your eye then it is probably from vomiting or straining really unyielding to lift a freight or something similar. This is no big deal and will alleviate on its own over a couple of weeks.

If you are on medicines that affect your blood clotting (aspirin or coumadin) or if you hold lots of other bruises all over your body, you should stir see your doctor. Otherwise, don't worry around it.

How much? please answer?

nothing is wrong. once i had that occur in the hospital and the doctor said to put a bandaid over
it and I will be fine.

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make it bleed till you elapse out

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let god control your life

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Super paste fixes broken anything

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go to the doctor

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go 2 the doctor!

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See a doctor!

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If it's inside your skull I'd verbs. If it's on your leg or something, don't worry almost it. Angeogenisis will take guardianship of it for you.

Personal question?

there really isn't too much you can do for a broken blood vessel similar to that..you can try putting an ice pack on your eye, but the truth is, it happen all the time, adjectives you can do is leave it alone, and dawdle for it to heal..your surrounded by no real threat..it can feel discomfited..especially the ones in your foot..but be patient and surrounded by 3-6 days you wont even notice it.

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I cogitate you should see a doctor immediately.
And also where on earth it is located is very exalted.
Please see your physician ASAP.

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