Has anyone experienced severe pain after having the mirena coil removed ?

Had mine removed on Tuesday and have such severe cramps contained by my low left foot side and nearly passed out today. Feel really unwell.

A week after taking the 72hr pill !?

yeah i did too lasted for around 3 days next slowly fades away u grasp bad stomach cramps also dont verbs few days it will be gone but awful when u have it i know as i have mine removed two months ago

what is caused of vaginal yeast infection?

You may hold to call the MD,or travel to the ER this weekend.If you're having excessive bleeding or niggle you will need to step without deferral You can try some OTC med's like Tylenol,Ibuprofen,or Naprosyn for any discomfort etc. Take effort. SW FNP

weight increase on girls?

yes i have experienced this and its not nice . end time while having it removed i feel pain and thought i would outdo out too. It does pass {dragging pains}. Hope you will be ok fitting job its simply once every 5 years eh.

How do you know when you are ovulating?

No ,felt a slight tug when it be removed, thats all.Doesnt nouns good though perchance it scratched or ripped something as it was pulled out ,a drop by to the docs sounds like a honest idea

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