TO TAN OR NOT TO TAN...? a fairly sunburn person easily but still burn a lil at first. I have other been against tanning bed because i have hear so many bleak things bout them. But im goin on vacation to daytona shore next month. I'd resembling to just TAN while im here instead of burning & dealing wit that pain on leave. People are suggesting that i go suntan at a tanning salon. im starting to warm up to the view. so anyways..whether you tan or not, whats your cart on it?

Hey ladies, I need your relieve..?

I tan on moment too, I am fairly sunburn but I don't like to procure too pale contained by the winter. Plus if you live somewhere where the weather is gloomy and the sun isn't out impressively often tanning is in actual fact healthy your body desires exposure just similar to a plant. Obviously you aren't going to over due it because you aren't even sure if you want to try it. So just shift for your trip and if you end up enjoy it, which you probably will, go when you touch like it. The merely time I don't suggest it due to aging your skin is going every day or every other daylight for long periods of time, that will grant you rough old looking skin. But twice a week isn't a unpromising thing, and it make you glow and discern good.

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I think the suntan thing is cool but some over do it. if u a short time ago want a lil tan for the trip i.e. cool but just dont gross a daily or weekly ritual out of it because it make the skin look so bad

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do not budge to a tanning salon, the tanning booths use uvb light, which can end in skin cancer and other complications. It has a relatively low wavelength, so it is hazardous to health...DON'T GO TO A TANNING BOOTH

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Nothing wrong with the base-tan guess. Just don't overdo it. I can't stand all those red midwestern girls.

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I don't believe in tanning...with the sun or a tanning booth. Both raison d`??tre damage to your skin. It's not worth it.

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Even just tanning a time or 2 in a bed make your skin look like a phoney tan.

Take some suntan lotion, with an SPF so you don't burn, and lay out contained by the natural sun.

That approach, at least you'll carry some Vitamin K from the sun, like outlook intended.

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Tanning in a tanning bed and outside in the sun are two different things. You might do a little better within the sun after tanning in the bed but that is not a guarantee! Tanning in the tanning bed should backing some of the normal burn you will draw from with the sun!

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If you are going to go on leave go out within the sun, have fun. BUT PUT ON SUNBLOCK. Other than that "No To Tanning". There are too tons risks of cancer, and all the ancestors i know who go tanning look ginger as opposed to the automatic bronze.

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DO NOT go tanning in a tanning bed...adjectives the scary rumors are true, and although its singular, you can get skin cancer from simply going a few times...if you want to be tan try a gradual tanner, it wont sort you look orange if you are already slightly suntan OR just procure a outside, and make sure you are wearing SOME compassionate of sunscreen

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