Anyone suffer from migraines?

I would like to know if anyone have a cure all for migraines. Not rime, not a dark room, not spasm killers, merely something that really really works for them? I have have one since Thursday, been treating it near a migraine med, but it won't go away. They usually one and only show up when I am stressed out, which I was. I am of late tired of treating them the same road, cuz I get no nouns. Even going to the ER to get a shot and IV fluids does not come across to help anymore. Please, don't mention doctors as resourcefully. Thanks kindly.

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First, IF the presciption medication is out of action, you should go pay for to the doctor. There are more than one medication for the headaches.

When I enjoy a migraine it is usually a cluster of three days on and off. I find that hush, dark and rest help. I avoid pain killer.
I did find that putting ice pack on the fund of the neck for fifteen (15) minutes help and some times a cold pack on the forehead. My migraine is a result of a neck injury/fusion and food/environmental allergies. When I am stressed, my d??colletage tightens and here comes the headache pain.

Stress will result in migraines to reoccur as well allergies. So you may want to look at ways to downsize the stressors you can. And, have your family circle doctor test you for environmental and food allergies.

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they hold a new medication that's not a misery killer. i can't remember what it's call but it works wonders. you'll have to ask your doctor. it's more or less 40 dollars a dose but to anyone who has a full blown migrane, 40 bucks is so ably worth it.

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The prescription drug for migraines includes a distress killer and caffein, so if you could lift a regular pain murderer and wash it down near some coffee or tea maybe that would lend a hand. I had innovative headaches as a kid but they go away when I started drinking coffee. Anyway, good luck!

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Avoid light and nouns including TVs AND computers. They are #1 triggers for me. Try to close your eyes and rest. Think of something pleasant like a favorite memory or a big dream for the adjectives. It helps find your mind off the headache and make you realize that this is only temporary.

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The lone way I can treat mine is by waiting til they seize to the highest point of agony and then throw up. I know it sounds gross but something in the region of throwing up releases the tension surrounded by the head. It will still hurt for almost 3-4 hours after but they go away. Just lay down and try and sleep after you throw up.

Workout Buddy?

Besides prescription meds and sitting in a gloom room. YOu could get excedrine severe migraine.but here is a angelic secret.its a moment ago asprin mixed with caffene. When I achieve horrible migraines I take two asprin next to a cup of coffee or some type of caffinated always works for me..afford it a try hopefully it will work for you too.

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