Woman & Orgasm?

When man gets orgasm, he ejaculate semen. What about woman. Do they hold anything to eject. what is the name of the fluid if they go and get ejaculated.

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Women can, indeed, ejaculate. However, unlike men, it is not a guaranteed sexual response, and many women are unqualified, for whatever grounds, to ejaculate.

All women have a G-spot, which is a spongy, roughly-textured nouns (not necessarily a specific spot) about two inches inside the vagina, on the upper wall (as if you're trying to internally touch the belly button). It usually take some sort of curved object (curled fingers, a dildo or vibrator beside a curve, etc.) in charge to stimulate the G-spot, which is why the majority of women do not experience ejaculation when having penis-in-vagina sex, as most penises are straight and cannot confidently hit the G-spot. As women become aroused, the G-spot swells and increases in size, and it's ultimate size and position vary from woman to woman. A new surgical procedure, contained by fact, have come out, wherein the G-spot is injected with silicone to blow up it. It is, however, both costly and dangerous, and mostly unnecessary, as most women should know how to enjoy their G-spots as they are smoothly.

Some women do not have G-spots that are well-developed adequate to allow for female ejaculation, although it is roughly believed that most woman can ejaculate and have the potential qualifications, even if they never learn to do so. The fluid to be precise ejaculated have no real first name except for "female ejaculate", sadly. It is thin and clear (not yellow) and odorless, and while some associates mistake it for urine, close inspection should show that it isn't, and chemical tests hold proven that it is not. The fluid builds up in the Skene gland, and to be reasonably honest, scientists are still studying this mysterious gland and its fluid.

The amount that women ejaculate varies. I've see women ejaculate almost a cup or more of liquid, and others hold barely a trickle. "Squirting" porn roughly is fake and the women habitually either urinate or hold previously filled their vaginas next to some liquid (often cornstarch and water) to be expelled subsequent. There are some exceptions in porn of women who can really ejaculate, but usually it is fake, so don't believe it. Additionally, not all women can squirt in such a path. While some women do have forceful ejaculations that look almost close to a fountain spraying from their vaginas, a good deal of women simply hold an extra gush of moisture seep out of their vaginas upon orgasm. What creates the squirting is, in point of fact, the contraction of the inner vaginal muscles in orgasm, which pushes the liquid out. Many women who do Kegel exercises (Google them) are competent to increase their ability to squirt.

So yes, women can ejaculate, but don't spend your entire time trying to make it evolve if it isn't going to happen. Better to focus on the clitoris (how 95% of women orgasm) and delight in that.

Hope that helps!

Is my vagina middle-of-the-road?

I know that some women do ejaculate fluid. Some times large amounts of fluid but I've never hear it called anything or that it have any thing surrounded by it.

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most women do not receive ne fluid while getting the orgasm.

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No name for the fluid and just any fluid when orgasming. They feel reflective intense pleasure, with a quiver and the vagina is throbbing while orgasm.

Is this right?

the woman enjoy the internal contractions which give them the harmonious pleasure.

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