Im spotting and its not time for my period?

I am a Textbook case i am other every 28 days on the nose, it last 6 to 8 days. the only two times i own ever been behind i was pregnant. I a short time ago finished my period something like 7 days ago, it was a bit lighter next normal and didn't ending as long.. I woke up this morning with some spotting. and the finishing day or two i've have some stomach pains, nothing unpromising. but i have never ever have any type of bleeding unless it was that time of the month. I own heard stress ect can effect this but im not stressed that much, any ideas, i would preffer to avoid any "doctor trips" lol.

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that heppened to me a few months ago, i didnt see a doc and the regulated themselves subsidise out after that, well my following time came 28 days after the second one , im not sure why, but it might enjoy been stress, my following time was also rather abit heavier than they normally are.
i dont give attention to its a problem unless you may be pregnant again, id reckon about trying one of those pregnancy test first then not to verbs about it unless the spotting and dull pain continue for too much longer or the twinge gets worse.

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There are two reason for spotting.

1. The first is called estrogen bill bleeding where the estrogen builds up to a plane that is below the threshold to inflict ovulation. The bleeding occurs right after the estrogen smooth plummets. If you can test your estrogen height during spotting it might explain it. This leads to anovulation (no egg is released)

2. This one is more prevelant and is call estrogen breakthrouh bleeding and occurs when the endometrium builds up to a plane that it cannot sustain its lining. The walls of the uterus afterwards starts to bleed slightly. This is sometimes followed by a heavier than usual menstruation period.

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I only went to the Dr. for this and she said stress does it.

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